Chapter 12

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"Well if it isn't the devil with the alcohol."

I roll my eyes at Violet's greeting. I knew this would be a bad idea.

"Alcohol?" Brandon turns around and freezes when he sees Shane behind me. "Get out."

I narrow my eyes. "It's my house too."

"I'm older." "I'm smarter." I retort.

Violet and Lucas exchange looks.

"Cool it, Brandon. Join us, please." Lucas gestures toward the chair across from the couple.

"Thanks." Shane nods, brushing my lower back with his hand as he walks past.

"We were just watching Friends." I fidget with my hair. I'm still as breathless as I was outside.

"You alright?" Violet looks at me suspiciously.

I nod, glancing over at Shane, who has the nerve to smirk at me.

Lucas pulls out his phone and nudges Violet, who giggles when she sees the screen. She covers her mouth and nods.

"The hell are you two looking at?" Brandon reaches over, snatching the phone from Brandon's hand.

"Oh hell yeah." Brandon grins.

"Hey Shawn, how'd you like to play a little truth or dare?" He holds up the screen, a proud smirk on his face.

"His name is Shane and we're not playing that." I shake my head. This idea was ruthless.

"Don't worry, Bridgit. I can handle myself." Shane starts to take off his jacket.

I sigh. Not like I can be the one to back out.

"Truth or dare?" Brandon asks Shane.

Shane leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Dare."

Brandon clicks the button and reads the dare. "Ha, I don't think so." He presses the button again.

Brandon again, reads the screen, shakes his head, and clicks the button again.

"Come on man!" Lucas groans.

"These are set up for me becoming an uncle and I refuse to let that happen." My eyes bulge out of their sockets.


"You're not the one reading these!" He shakes his head.

"Lucas we need a kid-rated truth or dare." "That takes the fun out of everything." Lucas shrugs. "Exactly." Brandon mutters. He hits the button again.

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