Chapter 22

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December 25th

I lift my head, looking up at Shane.

He looks down at me, a slight smile hinting at his lips. "Hey pretty girl."

A smile played on my lips. "Hi." I whispered.

He yawned and rubbed my arm and pulled me closer to his chest.

His face is lit by the a combination of moonlight and streetlight. No matter the light, he's beautiful. I smile and bring my hand up to stroke his face.

"What time is it?" he asks. I reached over, grabbing one of our phones that lays beside us. "It's one."

He sighs. "My dad's gonna kill me." he runs a hand over his face.

I nibble at my lip. "I'm really sorry."

He shakes his head. "Don't worry. I'll handle it. Just stay."

I nod and squeeze his side. "I love laying on you."

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes, taking the time to place a kiss on top of my head.

"Hey," he whispers. I look up.

"Merry Christmas."

I smile.

"What did you ask Santa for?" I tease.

"Nothing. Didn't want much else than what's in my arms right now."

A smile creeps onto my lips. I pull his face down, pressing my lips against his. Lips so soft and tender. I gently run my hands through his hair, tingles in my stomach start to arise. Shane's hand trails down my waist, lightly gripping my hip.

Legs intertwined, I look into his deep blue eyes. The assurance is enough for me to breathe again. I have no control when it comes to Shane. Even breathing has to become manual. He has me captured in his eyes. That is, until his lips tempt me to meet them one more time.

Every touch is so new and exhilarating. Every slight stroke his fingers make on my waistline makes me shiver, but crave more. I reach my hand down, slowly unbuttoning one of the buttons on his shirt.

"A little eager are we?" he smirks. I scoff.

"Are we complaining?" I retort. He smiles and shakes his head. He reaches up and tucks a few stray hairs behind my ear.

"My whole world disappears when I kiss you, did you know that?" he pecks my lips for a split-second.

I hum, pulling him closer to me. "Then why are we still talking?"

I ease my head closer, wanting the feeling of his lips on mine again. He presses is soft lips against mine. My stomach jolts. His kiss makes me feel so alive.

Shane pulls his lips away and smiles down at me.

"I love you." Shane whispers. My breath hitches.

So many emotions consume me that I feel my eyes watering.

"You what?" my pulse quickens.

"Shane!" Caleb bursts into the room. We both sit up, watching as Caleb bursts into the room. He's in a sweat, his hair very riled and obviously yanked at.

Shane jumps up, nearly knocking me over as he rushes to Caleb.

"Caleb! What's wrong?" Shane holds his hands out.

"Call 911!" Shane shouts at me.


"So if he doesn't get this procedure he could potentially be looking at 3 to 5 months of life." A nurse explains.

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