Chapter 8

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"So this is it." Shane opens the door to a small house.

"It's cute." I nod, examining the house.

"We're not here that often. Most of the time we're at the hospital or at school or work." Shane walks toward the kitchen.

"Want something to drink?"

"Water." I nod.
He tosses me a water bottle.

The house is multiple shades of light blue.
"Hey pal, didn't know you were home." a man comes in, loosening his tie. "...with a girl."

I gulp. This is not how I planned to meet the O'Connel boys' dad.

"Hi." Shane is surprised. "I didn't know you were home."

"Obviously." his father chuckles.
"Um," Shane coughs. "Dad, this is Bridgit."

"Nice to meet you." I say as I shake his hand.

"As well to you."

This could not get anymore awkward.

"Dad, what are you doing home?" Shane asks.

"I ran late at the office and I came to change before I went to check on Caleb." "Right." Shane nodded.

"What are you two doing tonight?" Mr. O'Connel checks his watch. I look at the clock on the wall behind his head. 10:53. Wow, Shane and I were out all night, and I still had calculus homework!

"Talking." Shane told. "Talking... at 11 p.m.?"

"I should, actually get going. I have calculus." I chew the inside of my cheek.

"Good idea." Mr. O'Connel nods.

Shane looks so much like his dad... it's kind of hard to not find his father attractive. Not a teenage boy attractive, but a John Stamos attractive.


"Well this was..." I don't know what to call what just happened.

"Well it wasn't fun but I think we've got some things on the table that weren't there before." Shane turns down the radio.

"What happens in this car, stays in this car." I repeat.

"Agreed." He nods.

"I'm afraid of falling in love, and you got seduced at fifteen." I try to wrap my head around the idea of tonight. Trust. Trust was certainly earned.

"This is a terrible world we live in Bridgit." "Yeah. You just have to find the things worth living for." I agree.

"Or people."

I give him a small smile.

"Goodnight, Shane."

"Sweet dreams, Bridgit."

I exit the car and unlock my front door.

"Bridgit Ella Clair! Do you have any idea what hour it is?!" My mother yells at me.

"Sorry." I smile.

"Help me out here Jessie!" My mother smacks my father's chest.

"If she was doing anything she wouldn't be able to look us in the eye. What'd you do Bridgit?" Dad asks.

"Talked. I met his dad too."

"Interesting. Are you dating?" "Dad!"
"Answer the question." My mother scorns.

"No. And nor will we be! We're friends. It's gonna stay this way."

At least I plan on it to.


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