Chapter 10

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"This doesn't make up for anything." I comment.

"I need my masculinity back." Shane turns up the band.

"ACDC doesn't promise masculinity in their CD case." I tease.

Shane has been on a masculine kick ever since we got into the car. Apparently telling someone you don't want to face a problem alone makes you weak or whatever sort of adjective Shane used when he explained. I couldn't blame him I guess; I was never one to break down and say I needed support.

I glance at the clock on the dash.

6:47 p.m.



"Is it too much to ask for you to step on it?"
We were barely past the hospital which is all the way across town from my house.


"My family is due to arrive at my house any minute now and if I'm not there, I'm dead."

Shane shrugs and speeds up.

"Family here for Thanksgiving?"

"Yeah." I breathe out. How could I forget the time? I thought the time frame of 6:30 to 7 was enough time to get back home seeing as this town only fits so many thousand people.

"I thought I had more time to prepare for the trauma that I'm about to receive." I run my hand through my hair.

"It can't be that bad." "That bad? Shane, at home it's mom, dad, and myself. This is about to include numerous aunts and uncles, cousins, and the devil's spawn."

"That's a little harsh." He chuckles.

"You haven't met my brother." I roll my eyes.

"Your brother?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"I wish you luck." Shane turns into my driveway.

The lack of cars in front of the house make me sigh in relief.

"Just in time." I unbuckle my seat belt.

"Thank you." Shane smiles at me. For a split second breathing wasn't automatically happening.

"For?" I bite my bottom lip to keep the smile I'm forming away.

"Coming with me tonight. You didn't have to." "I wanted to."

"You didn't. But you came anyways and I appreciate that." Shane places a hand on my knee.

Like I said before, breathing had been more of a manual thing lately.

"It really was-" "Who the hell are you?"

I close my eyes tight. This cannot be happening.

"Brandon." I sigh.


"My brother." Instantly Shane's hand leaves my knee and he clears his throat.

"Who's your friend?" Brandon asks, putting his arms down on the open window. He rests his head on his arms and stares.

"Shane's my-"
"He can speak for himself can't he?" Brandon tilts his head, eyeing Shane.

I rub my forehead.

"I'm Shane. Shane O'Connel." Shane reaches across me and offers to shake Brandon's hand. Brandon just stares then looks back at me.

"Shawn is it?" Brandon clasps his hands together.

Shane tries to interject, but Brandon beats him to it.

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