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Hira's POV:

"Why did you come so late yesterday?" Ahmar shot a question as soon as I reached the car.

"Assalam o Allaikum." I said instead of answering him and open the car door. It was early in the morning and I was in no mood of answering any question after the inquiry session I went through yesterday.

"How was your interview?" He asked the second question sliding into the car.

"It went well." This time I answered.

"Are you hired?"

"Don't know yet." My short reply kept him silent for a few moments.

"When will they confirm it?"

"I have no idea Ahmar." I sighed.

"Hm, so you were at Saba baji's house all day?" I nodded.

"And when did you come home?"

"Ahmar what's got into you today? Why are you asking so many questions?"

He gave me a brief glance but didn't say anything and after it, the whole drive went in complete silence. He turned to me after stopping the car at the college gate. Instead of unlocking the door locks he took out his phone and click a photo of me.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"Have you seen the mirror in the morning?" He asked showing the picture to me, "You have bags under your eyes."

He was right, they were easily noticeable. However, I couldn't tell him that I spent all night fighting the memories of the past.

"I ate too much yesterday and wasn't feeling well." I lied.

"What happened? Should I take you to the hospital?" He asked in haste.

"No, I am fine now. Took medicine after breakfast. Anyways, I am going now." He nodded and unlock the door.

"Hey listen." Ahmar held my bag to stop me.

"We won't be coming for study from now on. Everyone is working hard on their own. So we will give a test when we are ready."

"Okay... if you guys are confident about it."

"You sound unsure."

"Because I am."

"Don't worry, we will come to you if help is needed and Faiq said you can come to check on us any time you want."

"Good to hear that." And with that, I got off the car.


'Don't come to pick me, I have some other plans.'

I texted Ahmar after receiving a call from Faizan for having lunch with him and later I called Auntie. But as soon as I finished it, Ahmar's name appeared on my phone.

'I should've expected that.' I mumbled receiving the call.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere I need to be."

"I can drop you there."

"You are already busy, it's better to concentrate on the work right now."

"Are you planning to go home on your own because I am busy?"

"No, I really have some other plans."

"Are you going to Saba baji's house again?"

"Listen Ahmar, this is my personal matter."

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