Chapter# 29

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Hira's POV:

It was a Saturday afternoon when I started to read a novel that Zulqarnain brought for me last week. Usually it is not that problematic like it felt right now because of my moodiness. But when he didn't stop bugging me about it. I thought it was better to read the novel and wind up this story.

At first, I was under the impression that he had already read it and want to do a discussion on the story plot. Therefore, I asked him out of curiosity. But the answer I got left me completely speechless.

'I don't read books, it's boring'

Was his text a reply to my question. At that time I wanted to slam that book on his face but luckily he was on shoots. So I just gave him the silent treatment as my protest, yet for some reason I found myself reading it on my day off.

I have totally lost my mind!

I sighed and turned my attention to the text written on the first page of the book.

"Hira... Beta (child) come here for a minute?" Came Auntie's voice, probably from the Living room.

I quickly put the book on the bed and rushed outside shouted, "Ji (yes) Auntie."

"Hira, I am going with your Uncle to his sister's house for dinner. Ahmar and Zulqarnain will be joining us at night. Would you also like to come?"

"Thank you so much, Auntie, but I rather stay at home. I have to prepare some lectures."

"But you will be alone."

"That's alright, the maid will be here so there is no problem." I smiled.

Without even given thought I refused her. There is no point for a paid guest to cling around with the owner of the house, everywhere they go. Although she cared for me like a daughter still that doesn't change the fact that I am really not related.

"I don't like leaving you alone."

"You worry too much Auntie, I will be fine and it's only for a few hours." I explained and thanks God that she gets my point and didn't insist.

After she left, I engrossed myself in the book again but not after long. The maid knocked on the door informing that a lady from the neighbour is asking for Auntie. I quickly left my room and by the time I reached the living room was already seated on the sofa. The lady was probably in her late forty but the cunning look of her face lacked the tenderness seen on the people of her age.

"Assalam o Alaikum." I Salam her as she was busy scanning me from head to toe.

That's rude...!

"You are the paid guest right?"

"Yes." I tried to smile.

"Heard so much about you." Giving me a forced smile she continued, "Where is Mrs. Shah?"

"Auntie is visiting her relative's house."

"I see, then I will come later." She abruptly stood up.

"Please wait, you just came. At least have some tea."

"Thank you for the offer, but how can I accept something from a guest."

"Then I will offer you." Came Ahmar's voice from somewhere behind.

"Have some tea, Auntie." The hint of irritation in his voice made me turned to him.

"Ahmar, how are you?" Asked the lady.

"Good as always. Please stay for a while, I will ask someone to make tea."

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