Chapter # 30

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Salam and hello everyone!

HAPPY NEW YEAR dear readers

I wish this upcoming year will bring dozens of joy for all of you. Be safe from the evil and thankful for the blessings



Ahmar's POV:

Probably from the last ten minutes, I was staring at her face as she was lecturing us on the history of Urdu drama writing. The topic didn't interest me a bit and usually, I am not attentive in her class too, especially after she stopped tutoring us. I prefer a short nap instead of hearing her, its a torture. But right now, I make sure that it is just my imagination that her eyes were swelled, same as yesterday and the day before.

Is it because of lack of sleep or she had cried???

After the visit of that annoying old lady, I didn't see her all day. She skipped her both meals and locked herself up in the room. There was no way for me to find out how she was and why didn't she come down the whole day. I couldn't tell anyone about the remarks that the annoying lady gave nor could ask Ami to check on her before she made herself sick. But on meeting her in the morning I feel a bit relieved and angry at the same time. I don't know why, why I get mad when she always seems so carefree in the circumstances where anyone would lose their cool. She didn't bother to explain her reason to skip meals, instead offered me breakfast.

She pretended as nothing had happened. Just as before, when we refused to study with her...

"Oye! Ahmar?" I heard Tahir's voice.

"Hm?" I said turning my head to him.

"Quit staring her, it's creepy."

"Shut up, I am not staring." I quickly lowered my head to the notebook.

"Any questions?" Ms. Hira asked after finishing her lecture.

"Yes, why Urdu is so boring?" A girl asked from the front row.

"No language or subject is boring, it's a matter of your interest." She said in a monotonous voice and continue, "Anyone else?"

A hand raise from my row but dropped as soon as she warned that it should be relevant or they will be having a test tomorrow.

Her class managing skills have improved drastically. There was a time when no one took this subject seriously and the Urdu period was supposed to be our chat time but now, things have changed. She gave us weekly assignments which help us to recall everything she taught us. Therefore, near the exams, students don't have to put extra effort to study the subject. The overall average of the results was better than before and she was supposed to be happy about it. Instead, she looked indifferent.

Just as she was with the four of us...

All the day in college, she wears a stern face and if smiled, it was only a forced one.

"Ahmar, we are going to the cafeteria, are you coming?" Asked Faiq raising from his seat.

"Yes, coming." I also got up.

I have a question, Ms. Hira...


"Something happened?" Tahir asked taking a seat beside me.

"No, nothing."

"Then why do you look so worried?"

"I am not."

"Hm..." He went on after a pause, "Listen, guys, I going to apologize to Ms. Hira.

"What?" Asked Faiq.

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