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Hira's POV:

I rubbed my cold fingers against the palm of my other hand. I am nervous, so much that I want to run back home and quit this job before even starting. But I cannot do that and I have to face this someday. Why not now?

I glance at the digit of thirty-seven on the column of a total number of students in attendance registered on my desk, before raising my gaze to the attentive class with curious-looking faces.

I gulped before saying, "Assalam o Alaikum, class." And received snickers in answer.

"Wallaikum Assalam Ustani Ji (teacher)" A boy shouted from the last seat in a mocking way. So I ignore it and asked them to take out their books.

The first class went like an endless path to planet Pluto. Still, I manage to end the journey without passing out. My next class was of first-year students but the principal gave me a break by looking at my somewhat pale face. Few other teachers encourage me by saying that those were final years, they are quite out of control and since they are seniors, they think of themselves as Rulers of college. According to them, other classes are much better but don't know why my heart is screaming not to believe them. So, I just smile at them and turn my focus to my consciously buzzing phone.

It was Zulqarnain, he keeps on bugging me since he got up. Thank God he is using his brain to not call me but his texts are quite annoying too because he sends one every ten minutes.

'Hello, teacher...?'

'What is it?'

'I am thinking of giving you a ride home after work.'

'Keep thinking, but don't try to do it.'

'But I am worried about you, Teacher. You aren't familiar with the place.'

'Thank you for worrying about me Hero, but I am a big girl. And please, no more texts. I have a class to teach.'

'Ok, I will miss you... '


Taking a deep breath, I got up as the bell rang and make my way towards the third year's class. My tracks come to an abrupt halt on hearing a boy's voice saying something about a new teacher with the nickname of 'Ustani Ji'.

Wow! I'm famous...

"She is just a simple looking middle-class woman yar. I don't understand why our college administration doesn't hire pretty young girls?" A boy says in a lazy voice.

"She is young." This voice belongs to a girl.

What the hell... Is that how they talk about their teachers???

Irritated by their way of talking, I step inside with a frown on my face, instead of a smile. All of the students took their seats when they saw me entering and greeted me with expressions that I wouldn't call a pleased one.

"Assalam o Alaikum class, take out your books." I say in monotone, outing the attendance sheet on the teacher's table. I was expecting some sort of behaviour like final year's students but to my surprise, they quietly open their books mumbling 'Wallaikum Asslam.'

Are they really better than seniors or my anger is clear from my face???

Well, whatever the reason is, at least we can have decent study time. I relaxed on the thought and start the lesson.


Ahmar's POV:

"Haye...! She is so sweet." Tahir sighs as he says this probably the seventh time.

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