Chapter # 22

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Zularnain's POV:

Tapping my index finger on the table, I tried to control my urge to slam my manager's head against the wall behind him. Because he announced another week of a packed schedule and afterwards, I would have to go out of the city for an event. Maybe it's just me, but lately, my schedule has gotten tougher than usual. Sometimes I feel like my PA, Umair is taking revenge on me for letting him deal with all trouble when I was skipping work because of Hira.

Speaking of Hira, we didn't meet after that day. No one would believe that I didn't get a chance to see her, even though we are living under the same roof. We only talk a few times on text because of our opposing break schedule. I also reach home late at night, so there is no way I could meet her. I tried to call her several times after her job but she never picks up, guess she is still annoyed because of that day. I don't understand why she got so angry with me worrying about her? Aren't I also a friend of hers? All I want is for her to live a happy life and don't end up marrying someone who doesn't deserve her.

Stubborn girl!

I let out a sigh and lean back onto the sofa. It's amazing how my anger shifted from my manager to Hira.

"Sir, sighing like this won't take you anywhere. You have to work for an outcome."

"What do you mean?" I raised my head to see my manager is busy on his laptop.

"If it is about a girl, then you better think of something productive, instead of sighing like a hero of a movie of unrequited love." He said in a monotonous voice without raising his head.

"What...?" I frowned and continued, "It's not about a girl."

"It was for a man?" This time he raised his head with a horrified expression and received an annoyed expression from me.

I am surrounded by the oddest people in the world...

A delinquent young brother, a strict father, a stubborn friend, and a sarcastic PA.

"You have been acting different lately. It's rather unusual for someone who doesn't change himself for others easily and tends to make others concur with him with his innocent charms. It's easy to see everything and I see that the great ZS is not sighing over a man. Furthermore, that sort of sigh is sighing of dejection and defeat. So whoever is responsible for it may have been worth the great ZS's attention and worry... So I would like to congratulate you, Sir." He gave me a formal smile.

"What are you spouting?"

"I am simply congratulating you, Sir."

"On what?"

"On taking a step forward in life and finding someone."


"Yes, someone special." He nodded.

"She is not someone special, she is a friend."

"Hence, it's proved that you weren't sighing because of a man." He said, typing something and I literally facepalmed myself.

"What's for lunch?"

"I hadn't ordered anything for you. You are having lunch with Miss Sara, have you forgotten?"

"I don't remember promising lunch to her today." I frowned.

"You were planning to go for dinner with her yesterday but all of a sudden you decided to cancel it and ask me to deal with it. Therefore, I dealt with it." He said nonchalantly.

This is it...

I grabbed a cushion from behind me and hit him with full force.


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