Chapter 1

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I woke up from something shinning in my eyes.
Why it's so bright in here?
Did I forgot to close the curtains?
I opened my eyes. The place looked like hospital room. Yeah, hospital room.

Wait.... WHAT???
HOSPITAL ROOM??? Since when I'm in hospital? How did I get here? What happened? Then my head brought back last nights flashbacks.

Flashback *************

* BOOOM!!! *

The end of flashback*************

That loud crash.

Lots of blood.

We got in a car accident.

I looked down at myself. I saw bruises. Lots of big nasty bruises. Then I noticed my arm in a plaster. I tried to move it. "Ouch, god damn it hurts like hell"
When I finished inspecting my injuries I remembered my boyfriend.

"Minho! Where's minho? Is he alright?" I started panicking. My heart beat increased and a nurse rushed in my room. "Calm down miss. Everything's alright." she put her hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down while whispering some words such as calm down, breath and everything's alright.

"Where's my boyfriend? Is he alright?" I asked her after I stabilised my breathing and my heart beat almost came back to normal/calmed down a little bit.

"Mr. Minho is having a surgery at this moment. After the surgery a doctor will inform you about his well being. For now just wait. He's in good hands. I know it's hard for you but try to calm down a bit. Everythings gonna be alright miss" she told me so lovingly.

The way she spoke with me was soft and comfy. I already liked this nurse. "Surgery? Is he injured that bad?" worry was evident in my voice.
"I can't tell you more than I already told you. A doctor will give you more information later." she smiled at me while still petting my shoulder. "Do you need anything else dear? Water perhaps? " I shook my head no. Then she walked away leaving me alone in this plain white hospital room.

Some time passed by.
I was thinking about minho. Is he alright?

I know he's strong enough to fight for his life. He's everything I have.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. The same nurse from before entered my room. I looked her way "any news?" she shook her head "no, there's none" she looked sad. "But I have some news about you. A doctor will come to check up on you soon. I hope we can discharge you tomorrow." she said half excitedly half sadly.

I didn't look at her. I was waiting for some good news about minho.

Like that nurse said soon a doctor visited me.
He said that I had broken my arm bone. Which will take some time to heal. He said there wasn't any more serious injuries just some bruises which will disappear with time.

And he said that nurses still has to run some tests and they need to take x-ray to fully know that they didn't make any mistakes. Tomorrow they gonna discharge me. After that he left.

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