Chapter 6

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<< The next day >>

I woke up tired. I couldn't sleep almost all night. I kept thinking what to do now, how do I live?

Today I don't really have plans apart from the boys coming over to hang out with Minho.

They are going to look after him while I'm shopping for food. I'm glad to have them. The original plan was for them to go for grocery shopping. I asked them to do that but they told me that I need to go there myself and they gonna hang out with Minho. On top of that they said that I need some alone time to relax a little bit.

So here we go.

I went to prepare breakfast for both me and Minho. I made scrambled eggs with bacon and made some tea. I put everything on the tray and carried it to his room.

"Morning, I made breakfast" I put the tray on his bedside table.
"The guys are coming over today" I mentioned.

I heard a notification going off on my phone.
I got my phone out from the pocket in my hoodie and unlocked it "Oh, they texted me that they gonna be here in an hour"

"Hmmm" he hummed.

<< About one hour later >>

I washed up earlier and dressed up. Now I'm finishing up the dishes.

I heard door bell ringing.

"The boys arrived" I told myself. I quickly wiped of my hands and rushed to open the door.

"Hi" I hugged them all.
"Minho's upstairs".
"How are you doing?" asked Changbin.

"Honestly, I don't know. I thought that I was kind of prepared for Minho's memory loss. But I guess you just can't prepare for such things. It's always over your expectations either in bad or in good way" I said sadly while looking down.

"I'm sure everything's will be fine once he regains his memory" Han patted my back.
"I hope"

The boys went upstairs to Minho's room.

<< Later >>

I made lunch and cleaned up a bit. The boys ate while I was cleaning up.
After cleaning I took a moment to relax and organise my shopping list.

15 minutes later I had all the products that I need written down on a piece of paper. So, I decided to go tell the boys that I am leaving now.

I opened the door a bit and stepped halfway inside the room "Hey guys, I am going to the shop now. Do you need anything?"
"No, we are good" Han and changbin responded.

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