Chapter 13

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Tyler's POV

"That, was intense," I said to Jenna. "All that for an appointment with a therapist?"

"We really have no idea what she's been through, Tyler. Her social worker is coming on Monday, to go over everything with us, and she'll give us the name of her paediatrician and her endocrinologist, and we can make an appointment to see them and get caught up on the diabetes stuff. But she really needs to see this therapist. She needs help coping," Jenna said.

"When she wakes up, I'll talk to her and tell her I see a therapist. That might help," I shrugged.

"I hope so. Because we cannot do that in an office."

I nodded.

"Jenna, what else did you find out from her?"

"Not much more than you already know so far I don't think. Her dad made her ration both her insulins. Her long acting and mealtime ones. She's supposed to take twenty units of the long acting. He had her taking FIVE," she said.

"Shit," I said.

"You should have seen her trying to dose for the sandwich. She was so scared to dose properly. She did it, but between that and that... tantrum? she is wiped out."

"Yeah," I said. "We have our work cut out for us."

"Ty, if she's still with us when you go on tour, we have to handle this before then. There are just too many places for her to bolt to and hide. Or run away."

"Tour's not happening for a while still. Plenty of time. We'll work with her. She'll be okay."

"I hope so," Jenna said. "Because I really like her. And I want her to like us. But most importantly, I want her to like her."

I hugged my wife whose already big heart had clearly grown a couple more sizes.

"Think I could get one of those peanut butter and jam sandwiches?" I asked, kissing my wife's head.

"You bet. You deserve one!" She said, kissing me back.

Samantha slept for a couple of hours and Jenna and I sat and watched some TV, and discussed how we thought we might be able to help Samantha.

There was a commotion from upstairs so Jenna and I ran up to Samantha's room. She was thrashing around on her bed.

"No!  Stop, stop!! I'll be good!  I won't take so much!! Please stop, Daddy!"

"Samantha, hey," I said, sitting on the bed beside her and shaking her gently. "Hey, it's okay. You're just having a dream."

Her eyes snapped open and she recoiled from me. Then she seemed to properly wake up saw it was me and relaxed some.

"I-I'm sorry," she said. 

"Honey, you don't have to apologize for having a nightmare," Jenna said. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Samantha shook her head.

"It's been a couple of hours since you ate. Should you test your sugar?"

"No," Samantha said, shortly.

"Samantha, is it because your dad wouldn't let you before? You can use test strips here, honey. It's okay," Jenna said.

"Do I have to go to the shrink?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, honey. You do," Jenna said, rubbing Samantha's arm. "It's okay. You don't have to talk. But it might help you deal with all this change."

"Samantha," I said. "Would it help you to know I see a therapist?"

"You do?" She said, looking at me. I nodded.

"It helps me sort out the things in my mind that sometimes make me sad or feel like the whole world is against me."

"Dema?" She asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. "Something like that."

"Can you come with me?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know. I'll take you to your appointment but I don't know if they'll let me come in with you. We can ask, but you have to be prepared for them to say no," I said.

She nodded.

"Samantha," Jenna said. "Let's go check your blood sugar, make sure you're in range, okay?"

She looked at Jenna and then at me.

"You can do this. It's okay," I said.

We all went downstairs and Samantha pulled out her kit and tested her sugar. Her hands shook, but she did it.

"It's okay," she said, showing us the monitor. "It's 87."

"Great!" Jenna said. "So, are you hungry? Do you want a snack?"

"No, thanks. I'm okay. Really," she said.

"Want to watch some TV?  Or we could go back to the mall and get you some toiletries. Maybe grab some dinner?" Jenna said.

"My dad never let me go to Bath and Body Works. Could I, maybe, get a bottle of body wash there?"

Jenna smiled, and then pulled Samantha into a hug.

"Sure, kiddo. It's my pleasure,"

The three of us went to the mall together. I really went to make sure Samantha wasn't going to bolt.

We went to a drugstore and picked up shampoo and conditioner for Samantha, and a toothbrush and toothpaste and flossers. I got her a pouffe to wash with in the shower. We also got a bathroom set for her.

Jenna then took her to Bath and Body Works and let her pick some soaps. She couldn't decide on a few scents and so I told her she could get all three. She didn't want to let us spend the money, but again we told her not to worry.

My phone rang and I indicated to Samantha and Jenna that I'd be right back. They went to pay while I took the phone.

"Mr Joseph? It's Officer Davis,"

"Good afternoon. What can I do for you?"

"Where are you right now?"

"We're at the mall running a couple of errands. Why?"

"Where's Samantha?"

"She's in a store with my wife. Again, why," I asked.

"I need you to get your wife and Samantha and go home immediately," he said.

"Why?  What's happened?"

"Samantha's dad made bail. He wasn't supposed to have his hearing until Monday but somehow he got it moved to today.  He's free on bail. And he's mad that his daughter is in foster care. He wants her back."

"Are we safe at home?" I asked, going into the store and indicating to Jenna that we needed to leave immediately.

"We're sending units to your house to keep an eye out,"

"Okay, we're heading home now," I said and hung up.

"Ty, what's up?" Jenna said.

"We have to go home," I said.

"Is it my dad?" Samantha asked.

I looked at her.

"Yes," I said. "Somehow he made bail and he's out."

"Who called?" Samantha asked.

"Officer Davis," I said.

"We can't go home," Samantha said. "If he knows where you live, we can't go home."

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