Chapter 44

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I started looking around. I had no way out.

"Samantha?" Jenna was kneeling in front of me. "Samantha? What's wrong?"

I couldn't answer her. I looked around frantically. I had to escape. I had to run. I had to save myself before one of them started beating me. Because it would be three against me. And I'd never survive.

I made a decision and pushed Jenna, then ran towards the door. If I could catch him off guard, I might be able to push Josh off balance enough to get away.

Jenna fell over and I bolted for the door. Josh was too fast. He grabbed me. I went limp.

"Oof. She's heavy!" Josh said, sinking to the ground with me. I curled up into a ball, doing my best to protect my head and stomach. "Kid, what's going on? Hey, kid?"

"Samantha?" I heard Jenna say. Everything started sounding far away. "Samantha, honey, are you okay? What's wrong sweetheart?"

"It's my fault," I heard Tyler say.

"Tyler, I doubt that," I heard.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and just hold me. Whoever it was was rocking me and whispering in my ear.

"You're okay, you're okay. It's alright. You're safe. You're okay," the voice kept repeating. "Josh, can you get her kit off her night stand? I want to make sure she hasn't gone low."

I felt a sharp pain in one of my fingers.

"It's okay, Samantha. You're okay," the voice kept repeating."

"How's her blood sugar?"

"It's fine. I don't know what this is, but it's not a low or a high sugar."

"It's my fault. It's my fault."

"Tyler, please. I can't handle this and you right now. This can't have been your fault,"

"I just came in here to talk to her. I wanted to see how school was, and her doctor appointment. And to tell her I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know what happened though."

"It's okay, Samantha. You're okay," I kept hearing in my ear.

"She's practically catatonic."

"Samantha?" I heard Tyler's voice. "Samantha, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry."

"You're okay, Samantha. You're okay."

I closed my eyes. Everything was just too much.


Jenna's POV

When I went to check in on Tyler and let Samantha know dinner was almost ready, I wasn't expecting see Tyler sitting on her bed. But the scene I walked into had my instincts up. Samantha was holding her knees and was as curled up into herself as her desk chair would allow.

I asked her what was wrong. She wouldn't, or couldn't, answer. I knelt in front of her and looked at her. She wasn't responding and barely focused. Her eyes were darting around the room.

Josh came in a minute or so later, and stood in the doorway.

Samantha looked in my direction and suddenly sprang out of the chair, pushed me over and bolted. I saw Josh grab her and sink to the ground. She'd just gone limp.

Tyler kept saying it was his fault. That Samantha was scared of him. I moved over to Josh and took Samantha from him and hugged her to me. I whispered in her ear that she was okay and safe.

I asked Josh to pass me Samantha's test kit in case this was a high or a low. I tested and her blood sugar was fine.

Tyler kept saying that it was his fault and I had to tell him that I couldn't handle him and Samantha right now.

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