Chapter 56

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Tyler's POV

"She's gonna run," Josh said to me as soon as we heard Sam's door close.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She was just talking to her friend and she said she's considering taking off and not going to see Stanley. She's afraid of what he might do or say and that even with the adoption, that he'll still be hovering over her head.  I think she means it in a way to protect you two, but I don't know."

"I knew she was scared about the visit, but I hoped we'd convinced her she's safe here. Once we're done Thursday, we'd be rid of him," I said.

"I'm just telling you what I overheard. Whether she means to go through with it I can't say, but you need to be aware, she said she'd rather live on the streets than have him hanging over her head."

I sighed. I didn't know how to handle this.  If I confront her, she'll know Josh listened in on her conversation. Or she'll think Jenna or I did. 

I looked over at Jenna who was looking between the two of us.

"Ty, we can't let her run," Jenna said. "Besides the fact that she's just a kid, she wouldn't survive out there without ... well everything she needs."

I nodded.

"I know. But we can't just go up and confront her. She'll know someone was listening in. We're still trying to build trust with her, and she's having a hard enough time with that. We're going to have to be careful. Maybe we should call the school to keep an eye out tomorrow."

"Why don't we keep her home?" Jenna asked. 

"She missed today and she's going to miss Thursday. She missed a whole week the first week she was with us. I'd like to try to keep her from missing too much school," I said. 

Jenna sighed and nodded. 

"Look, let's make sure we stay positive through dinner tonight. Remind her that she's safe with us and that once we're done on Thursday, we're done.  Remind her that we're now her parents, and we love her and will protect her."

"Maybe I'll take her out for lunch tomorrow," Jenna mused. 

"Won't that make her suspicious?" Josh asked. 

"I don't see how. I mean, while I haven't before, I could always say it's because I know she's worried about Thursday," Jenna suggested. 

"Maybe," I said.  "That could work."

"Great. Now we need to decide on dinner tonight," Josh smiled. 

"Ugh. I could say I'm not in the mood, but we're going to celebrate.  Because we are a family for real," Jenna said, smiling. 

"Yeah. We are," I said, hugging my wife. 

"We are what?" Samantha said, bouncing down the stairs. 

"We," I said, pulling her into our hug. "Are a family. For real."

I smiled down on her and gave Samantha a kiss on the head. 

"How're you feeling, kiddo?" I asked. 

"Okay, I guess," she said. "Hungry. I was wondering if I could have a snack?"

"Did you test?" Jenna asked. 

"Well, noooo. I can do that down here," she said. 

"This is true," I said. "Have at it. Go test, and let's get you snacked."

Samantha went into the kitchen, and we followed her. She pulled out her test kit and insulin and tested, checked, calculated and dosed.  Then asked for cheese and crackers and a glass of milk. 

I cut up some cheese, pulled out the crackers and handed them to Sam, and then pulled out the milk and a glass. 

"So, any idea what you want for dinner tonight?" I asked, leaning on the counter and eating some crackers from the box.

"I dunno," she said. "Whatever you guys are in the mood for."

Samantha seemed strangely relaxed. 

"You sure you're okay, Sam?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Why?"

"You were pretty upset when we got home. Now, you seem, I don't know. Relaxed."

"Well, I guess I figured out that once we go on Thursday, I'll be done. So, why worry?"

"Really? Just like that?"

"Well, I talked to Jill, and she kind of helped."

"Yeah?" I asked.  Josh looked over at me from behind Sam. 

"Yeah," Sam said, distractedly. 

"Say," Jenna said. "Hon, I know you're still kinda worried about going up to the prison on Thursday. What do you say we go out for lunch tomorrow? I'll pick you up during your lunch break from school, and we can have a nice lunch, then I'll take you back to school."

"That's okay. I'm going to have lunch with Jill and Reagan,"

"I insist. You get to see Jill and Reagan every day. You've got a lot happening, and I want to make things, I don't know, more fun. Make good memories to start off with?"

"Really, it's okay," Sam insisted. I could see she was getting agitated.

"You sure?" Jenna asked, staying innocent. "I was hoping we could have a nice lunch together, just you and me."

Samantha sighed. 

"It's fine. Really."

Jenna took Samantha's hands and looked at her in the eyes. 

"Samantha, I know you're still worried about going to see your dad -"

"He's not my dad," Samantha interrupted. 

"Sorry, Stanley. I know you're worried about going to see Stanley on Thursday, and I now you're worried that somehow he'll be able to get to you, or do something somehow, and I know you feel like you might think you need to protect us, but Samantha, you're safe here. You're safe with us, and you don't have to be afraid. You don't have to protect us, and you don't have to do anything drastic hoping you're protecting us."

"I'm not," Samantha said. "I'm not afraid of him anymore."

"Samantha," Jenna said. "I overheard what you said to Jill.  I know you're thinking of running away. I want you to know that you are safe and loved. Running away won't solve anything. And it's dangerous. Not just because living on the streets is dangerous for anyone, but because with your diabetes. Honey. Please."

"You overheard? You listened to my phone call?!" Samantha yelled. 

"Not on purpose, sweetheart. I was coming into the kitchen and I overheard, just a little. But I overheard the part about you wanting to take off.  And I really want you to know we want you here. We really do love you and we are going to protect you."

"You listened to my phone call!" Samantha yelled. 

"Samantha," Jenna said, and I saw her hands tightening on Samantha's so she couldn't bolt. "Listen to me. We are your parents now, and we are going to protect you. So please, please understand, that we would never intentionally invade your privacy."

Samantha frowned at Jenna, pulled her hands away and said:

"You had no right to eavesdrop at all on my phone call!" and ran up the stairs and slammed the door to her room. 

"At least she didn't run out the door," Josh said. 

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