Chapter 29

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Tyler POV

We finished lunch and then grabbed the things that we'd picked up on the way through the store, and headed down to the warehouse to pick up the desk. 

Josh picked up the boxes and handed one to me. 

"You know they have carts," I said, hefting the box up. 

"Carts are for sissies. Are you a sissy now?" Josh smirked at me. 

We went to the cash and I paid for all the stuff and we loaded it up in the car and headed home. 

At home, Josh and I carried Samantha's stuff inside. 

"You got tools?" Josh asked me. 

"Of course I do, man. What do you think I am?"

I grabbed my took kit and we went upstairs to Samantha's room. Samantha followed us, but stayed close to me. 

"Want to help us get your desk built?" I asked. 

Samantha shrugged. 

It took us less than an hour but the three of us got the desk built, and we looked around the room. 

"Alright, Samantha, where should we put this?" I asked. 

Samantha looked around her room. 

"How about under the window?" I suggested.  She walked over and looked out. The window overlooked the backyard and the forest. She shook her head with fear in her eyes. Her dad, of course. He'd chased her through those woods. 

"Okay. Fair point," I looked around. "We could move your bed over to the other wall, put your desk in that corner, and the dresser under the window.  What do you think?" 

We had a lot of room to play with in this room. 

"That could work," Josh said. 

"What do you think, Sam?" he asked. 

She shrugged. 

"I think it's okay," she said. 

"We can try it, and then if you don't like it, we can move stuff around. Nothing needs to be permanent unless you want it to be, okay?"

She nodded. 

We moved the furniture around, and looked. I put my arm around Samantha's shoulders and smiled down at her. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. 

"Let's go have a snack. I think we all deserve one after all that work," I said. 

"You got a beer?" Josh asked. 

"I got a beer," I said. 

The three of us went downstairs and sat at the kitchen bar.

"Sam, test, insulin. What do you want? Peanut butter and crackers again?"

"Okay," she said. 

"Regular milk or chocolate?" I asked. 

"You have chocolate?"

"We do. But make sure you take the right amount of insulin for it. We're going to have to go to the grocery store this week with you so you can show us some of the things we can buy that are sugar free or good for you to have. Maybe we'll go tomorrow after school?"

"Okay," she said, pulling out her test kit. I put the bottle of chocolate in front of her so she could test. Jenna came in from the laundry room. 

"You guys get Sam's room sorted out?"

"It looks really good," Samantha smiled at her. "They moved my bed and my dresser."

Her face fell.

"I mean, the bed and the dresser," she corrected herself, still unconvinced that the room was hers.

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