Chapter 75

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Samantha's POV

Jenna and Tyler made me go up to bed around midnight. I didn't want to. Their friends were so awesome. And fun.

Even if Pete hurt my ribs by accident, and Patrick stunned me for a minute thinking he knew my birth father.

But to be honest, I was exhausted. Meeting new people is exhausting. But all in all it was a great weekend.

Sunday morning, Tyler woke me up and said Pete, Patrick and Brendon and Sarah wanted to go out for brunch with us. I asked what brunch was because I'd never heard of it. Tyler told me it was sort of a late breakfast or an early lunch. So, not as early as breakfast, like 8 or 9, but not as late as lunch, like 12 or 1. Or was somewhere in the middle. Like between 10 and 11.

We met them all at a restaurant. Brendon told me Zack and Kala were having a sleep in.

"But I thought he was your security guy?" I said, as I measured ketchup on my eggs.

"He is. But I don't need him all the time. Mostly at home or when I travel. And he really wanted to meet you, too. Kala as well."

"Oh," I said, confused. They travelled all the way out here from California just to meet me? I guess they all did. I'm really not that special.

Everyone talked about the night before and some of what I'd missed when I went to bed. Which wasn't really that much.

My phone suddenly beeped, so I pulled it out of my hoodie pocket and looked at it.

"I meant it when I said I'd keep in touch 😁" from Brendon. I looked up at him across from me at the table. He was grinning at me.

"Uh, I'm right here, and you're texting?" I asked.

"One of us had to be first."

"What are you two on about?" Tyler asked.

I showed him the text from Brendon. He looked over at him, rolled his eyes and laughed.

My phone beeped again. This time it was from Pete.

"Me too," his said.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Patrick looked over at Pete's phone, and then at me.

"I meant it too. But I'll just tell you that in person. Since you're literally two feet away from me and I don't need to text it to you," he laughed while rolling his eyes at his friends.

Sarah smiled.

"I did too. But I didn't even bring my phone to brunch. But seriously, you ever want to talk, just call or text me, okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks," I said quietly. Jenna and Tyler looked at me, then their friends and smiled to each other.

After brunch, we said goodbye to Brendon, Sarah, Pete and Patrick, because they were all flying home that afternoon. Gerard had flown out in the morning which is why he couldn't come to brunch. He'd texted too to say goodbye and remind me I could text him any time.

Back at the house, I finished some homework I hadn't done all weekend and texted with Jill. She was excited to hear about my weekend.

"I take it you're feeling better about Tyler and Jenna and sticking around?"

I laughed.

"Yeah. Running away was a dumb idea," I said.

We talked for a little longer, then Jenna called me and asked me to help her with dinner.

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