Chapter 52

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"Hi, Samantha," Marie said brightly, as Jenna and I came into the living room. "Tyler tells me you're a little nervous about our meeting today."

I shrugged.

"Samantha's worried you've come with bad news," Jenna said, her arm around my shoulders.

"Well, I can tell you I came with the exact opposite," Marie smiled.

"See, Samantha?" Jenna said, walking me over to the couch.

I sat down with Jenna and looked at Marie.

"So, all of the paperwork has been filed, and I'm happy to report that you have a court date for November 12th at nine in the morning."

"That's next week," Tyler said.

"It is," Marie smiled.

"That's fantastic," Jenna said, hugging me.

"So, what does that all entail?" Tyler asked.

"Well, with the paperwork filed, and the court date set, we'll go to the court house. I'll meet you there, and the judge might ask a few questions, and unless he finds that this isn't a good place for you, then he'll sign the certificate and you go home a family," Marie said.

"What if da - Stanley - tries to do something?" I asked.

"Like what?" Marie asked.

"Like, what if he found some loophole that means I can't stay here?"

"There is no loophole. He willingly gave up his rights to you when they were terminated. He didn't fight for them. I'm sorry, Samantha. It sounds really harsh for me to say this, but, your dad, he gave you up."

"But, he plays games like that. Pretends he's fine with something and then changes all of a sudden."

"Well," Marie said. "We're keeping close tabs on this, and I am confident that everything will be fine on the 12th."

I chewed on my thumbnail.

Jenna and Tyler and Marie talked some more, but most of what they said went over my head. Mostly because I wasn't actually paying any attention.

Eventually, they all stood up, so I took that to mean I should too. Marie crouched down in front of me.

"Samantha, everything is going to be okay. I promise."

"Everyone promises," I said. "I've had a lot of broken promises."

Jenna hugged me to her. Tyler walked Marie out.

"I'm tired. Can I go lie down for a while?" I asked. Jenna nodded.

I went upstairs and lay on my bed. I couldn't get the idea out of my head that Stanley wasn't actually done with me.


Jenna POV

I watched Samantha walk up the stairs. My heart broke for her. I didn't know how to make her see that she was going to be alright. That she was safe and that the court date was merely a formality and she would be ours, legally, in just a few days.

Tyler came back from walking Marie out and hugged me.

"She's nearly ours," he smiled. He looked at my face and saw I wasn't smiling.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"She's so worried her dad is going to get her back somehow, despite the adoption. She's so worried he's going to find some loophole and derail everything. I don't know what to do to convince her she's safe and that this is a formality. I'm so worried about her," I said.

Tyler looked up the stairs. His face fell a little, too.

"I'm worried about her, too. The closer we get to this, the more distracted and worried she gets. It can't be good for her, physically. Or mentally."

"I want to plan something special for the 12th, but I'm worried if we do, and if we tell her, she'll be even more convinced that something bad is going to happen," I said.

Just then Josh came in the front door.

"Hey, how'd the meeting go with the social worker?" he asked. "Everything alright? Why do you two look like someone stole your puppy?"

"We have a court date for the 12th, but Samantha is so worried that her dad is going to find a way to derail this. She's convinced that he's going to ruin it, and I don't think it's healthy for her," I said. "But I don't know how to convince her otherwise."

Josh contemplated for a minute.

"Why don't we invite some of our buddies out for the weekend? Once you've gone to court on Tuesday, and everything is finalized, and Samantha sees that everything is fine, we can have a party to celebrate," Josh suggested.

"I'm afraid to plan anything, simply because I worry Samantha might be right. Her dad is a really good lawyer."

"Look, let me take care of the planning, I won't say anything to Samantha, and you guys don't have to worry about it."

Tyler nodded at Josh. I wasn't sure if he was saying yes to a celebration or yes to not worrying about it.

"Cool beans," Josh said, and headed downstairs.

"Ty, let's order in tonight. I can't think straight to cook, and I really don't feel like going out," I said.

"Alright," he agreed. "I'm going to go check on Sam."


Tyler POV

I knocked on Samantha's bedroom door before opening it and poking my head in. She was curled up on her bed, her back to the door.

"Hey, Sam," I said walking in. I sat beside her on the bed and touched her shoulder. She rolled over and looked at me. I think she'd been crying.

"Hey," I said, smiling at her.

"Hey," she said, not returning my smile.

"What's up?  Why so sad?" I asked. The best way to deal with a problem is to talk it out, so I was hoping Samantha would be willing to talk.

"I'm scared," she said.

"What are you scared of, baby girl?"

She took a deep breath and tears sprang too her eyes.

"I don't remember the last time I felt so safe. I feel so safe here with you and Jenna. And I'm scared that my - that Stanley - is going to ruin this for me. That somehow he's going to make this not happen," she cried.

"Oh, sweetheart. I know you're scared. I understand that. And I really don't have all the answers to be able to make this better for you. I do know that your social worker and their lawyers have been keeping an eye on your father. He hasn't petitioned the court or anything. He isn't really your dad anymore. I mean, when they terminated his rights, he didn't even fight."

Samantha started crying harder. I pulled her up into a sitting position and pulled her into a hug.

"I shouldn't be sad that he doesn't want me, but I am. Is that stupid?  Of course it's stupid. Because I'm stupid."

I pulled her away from me and looked her in the eyes. I had to lift her chin in order to make her look up at me. She averted her eyes.

"Hey, look at me," I said, tenderly.  "First, you are not stupid. I saw your English quiz. Stupid people do not get 98% in anything. Second, no, it absolutely is not stupid to be sad that your dad - Stanley - doesn't want you. He was, after all, your only remaining parent. Feeling rejected by the person who was supposed to protect you, though it's questionable he even did that, is natural. We're told to honour our parents. But that only means as long as they honour us. So how you're feeling is completely understandable.  But, as long as everything goes the way it's supposed to on Tuesday, and there is no reason it won't, you're going to have a new mom and dad, who already adore you and want to protect you and keep you healthy and make you happy."

I smiled at her.

She smiled back, just a little.  It wasn't a big smile, but it was a smile.

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