•[ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ⁹]•

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HELLO! Author here! Here's your long awaited chapter 9! Wowza we're almost 10 chaps in the story.
So, err, that's all and enjoy the chap! <3
°» Y/N POV «°

"And you know what I told him, I told him he was the 'B' word!" Tim whispered into my ear.

We were currently at the park, because I had a spectacular idea to go on a picnic. It was the perfect weather and time of the day to do so. I also partially came here to the reason that Tim wanted to tell me something, something that I 'normal' people like me shouldn't know.
I shrugged it off, just assuming it'll be some sort of prank.

About an hour ago we were arguing about a car and now we're rolling on our stomachs. Wow.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?" I asked, regaining my posture again. "You can't just drag me down here and tell me you've got nothing."

I looked over at him and he looked a bit tense.

"Well..." He started. "So, I don't know if you know and I'm hoping that you know so that like, uhhh.."

I raised an eyebrow.

"My brother can talk" He finally sighed. "He's only a few months old but he can talk. Like business talk."

I huffed. Was this another one of his tricks again?

"I can show you proof" He added

"Yeah sure. Where is your brother anyway? I don't think I've been introduced to him before." I pointed out. "OW!"

I turned around to see who and what was hitting me when suddenly another marble had hit my eye.

"OWW! Stop that!!" I yelled.

I shielded my face with my hand to get a better look at who it was, and the "thing" was a baby! He looked rather chubby and had a blue cardigan over his grid red shirt. But what on EARTH is a baby doing here? In fact, shouldn't he be the one choking on the marbles?

"Uhhh, Tim, is that your brother?" I asked, whitest still being hit by the baby.

He ignored my question and pounced onto the baby, practically covering his mouth and muffling the baby giggles.

Thos baby giggles soon becoming small baby sobs. Tim must be choking the baby!

"YOUR KILLING IT!" I screamed.

"No I'm not. Also this is not my brother. But he can talk too!" Tim yelled back at me.

°» Tim's POV «°

"Just in the middle of strangling this baby, nothing can go wrong right?" I thought to myself. "Imagine all the things this baby could leak. Haha there goes my life!"

Y/N doesn't understand why I must strangle this baby but I do.

"You better prove that you can talk or I'm never gonna let you speak to my brother ever again" I whispered into Mega Fat's ear, while at tugging him by the collar.

"Cooly-cooly. You don't need to tell me all the details. I know what to do!" He replied back.

"Just don't do anything stupid." I warned him.

Y/N immediately snatched the baby from me and glared.

"You see, his face is red! You almost killed him!" She scolded. "Sigh let's find the parent(s) of this child."


"Ah yes, my mom is that high class news reporter lady over there talking with those parents. Thank me later." A random voice said.

"Hey! Thanks!...wait..." Y/N spoke

She looked down at the baby and examined his mouth carefully, practically bewildered.

"Like, I swear to god I could hear vibrations from his throat just a second ago." Y/N added

She peered closer to the baby and glared at it, hoping to trigger some way for him to speak.

"Did you hear that too Tim?" She questioned, peering behind to see me.

I chuckled.

"Yes stupid. I'll show you how to get the baby to talk"

I picked up the baby into his arms and raised a hand at it.


I tickled the baby everywhere possible till it was laughing like crazy! I'll do whatever it takes to make this baby talk.

"HAHAHAH OK okay OKAY StOpP! Lo0k I'm tALkiNgGgg HhavHvahva" Mega fat heavily panted.

Y/N's eyes widened. Complete utter shock.

"Holy sh!t"

Tim Templeton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now