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°» Tim's POV «°

"Someone, help!"

The room was pitch black except for the small dangling fluorescent light bulb above me. I don't even know how long I was here, heck WHO EVEN BROUGHT ME HERE! All I recall was blacking out.

Now I don't know if it was just me or my sensitive skin, but whatever type of rope they tied me up with was not friendly to all users. My skin was red on FIRE.

"Hey, uhm these ropes are giving me a bad rash, is it possible if you could loosen them up for me" I tried pleading to anyone that could hear me.

No response.

God how much I needed to scratch myself in this situation. I could only imagine that the rescue would go according to plan, Theodore and his crew bursting in, Jimbo, Stacy and the triplets do their Kung Fu fighting ritual with whoever kidnapped me. And Y/N, untying me ever so gracefully—so that I can scratch myself. That however would be doubtful.

"Well well, if it isn't my old arch nemesis's sidekick.."

"Hey! I'm not a sidekick! I'm my own two pairs of hands!" I yelled, embarrassed of the name I was remarked as.

"Uh. Sure." The voice bitterly said. "Now, I'm sure you and I are wondering who I am?"

"Well I don't think you need to know who you are, but I definitely do!" I sassed. "Like heck, you could be the Angel of death and I'd be sitting in my death chair now."

"Well I'll be the death of you" the voice angrily replied back, slamming what I presumed a wall. "But first, how about some refreshments hm?"

The ropes that once held me tight loosened and I was able to stretch myself. As I was scratching myself, a table glided infront of me.

"Here you'll see two drinks. Choose wisely!" The voice reprimanded me.

One was a bright pink drink with what seems to be aloe vera bits inside. The other was a dark blue drink with lemons and other green substances that I can't seem to make out.

"Huh..what drinks are these?" I asked.

"And you think I'm going to tell you?" The voice opposed. "Now hurry up! We don't have all day."

I couldn't think of anything else to do! I could imagine myself holding a sword and ripping these ropes apart, spilling the two drinks everywhere, while a giant monkey (the mysterious voice whom has not been claimed by any person) would be chasing after me. But that would be impossible. I guess my imagination can drive me nuts sometimes...

"Cmon Tim! THINK! How do you determine which drink would be safer to consume?! THINK THINK!! Ugh!" I whispered to myself. "Wait, I remember ms Jocylyn talking about substances and their relationships during science class! Maybe that would help.."

I was painstakingly trying to remember the things that my science teacher had told me regarding the chemistry between certain liquids and their effects. Ugh, even the word chemistry is hurting my brain already!

"Yknow what, screw it, I'll just go with my gut instead." I announced. "Hail mother of god!"

I gulped down the light pink drink as fast as I could so that I wouldn't taste it.

"Now now tim, tell me what do you see. Or at least imagine?" The voice said, slowly creeping out of the shadows.

There was once the familiar face that I had once seen. Orange suit and blond hair with a disgustingly long grin upon is face. However I couldn't quite remember his name, I guess whatever drugged me in that drink was making me feel dizzy and nauseous.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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