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Main Character's

Ron: guys I'm moving out

Seamus: what happened??

Ron: I walked in on Harry and some girl
For the fifth time in 3 days...

Trevor: damn💀

Ricky: can someone tell me wtf is going on with him

Ron: theo and Harry are besties now or sum idfk

Ricky: that explains it

Eliza: i hate him sm

Ron: Harry or Theo?

Eliza: can I say both?

Dean: Look what he posted on his story

Elijah: they laugh at him because he's emoo

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Elijah: they laugh at him because he's emoo

Elijah: bad time?

Eliza: 🤨

Seamus: yall I think we should get Lily to come down here

Ricky: I barely know the guy but works for me

Trevor: I feel like starting drama rn

Trevor added Melody & Harry to Main Characters

Eliza: you dirty bitch-

Harry: why am I here

Harry: I don't even like half of you anymore lmao💀

Eliza: if this half contains me then you have bigger issues🤨

Harry: probably.

Melody: Trevor why am I here

Trevor: i was bored

Harry: if you're bored there's plenty to do considering you have magic

Ricky: damn did someone throw your bed out the window or sum💀

Harry: weren't u using the "❤️" with someones gf😊

Melody: LET IT GO

Ricky: I feel like I just started a fight 😟

Harry: probably

Ron: Harry can I ask u a question?

Harry: you're one of the few ppl I actually like rn so go ahead

Ron: Can I have my best friend back?

Harry: lmfao no

Dean: do u have no shame??

Harry: No, I just stopped caring about what ppl thought of me

Seamus: since when did you care in the first place??

Theo and Blaise are online

Theo: heyyy

Ron: what did you do to Harry??

Theo: so now "hey" "how are you?"

Ron: I'm being serious Theo

Theo: I didn't do anything. He's the one who stole my stash

Ricky: STASH??

Blaise: he means condoms

Harry: I've already paid you back

Melody: I quite literally hate u rn

Harry: the feeling's mutual love

Melody is offline

Ricky: currently manifesting Lily and Cedric to come beat this mf up😍

Trevor + Lily - private chat

Trevor: Harry's got some issues...

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