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Melody and Elijah private chat

Melody: Elijah

Elijah: yes

Melody: you saw that pic of Malia right?

Elijah: yeah, she's really pretty lol, I get why Harry was all over her

Melody: well thanks Elijah 😟

Elijah: haaa my baddd

Melody: anyway
I'm kinda scared that Malia was telling the truth about Harry initiating everything

Elijah: You haven't talked to Harry?

Melody: no
I feel like he's going to accuse me of not trusting him or something yk?

Elijah: i get it
But Harry is an honest person (sometimes) and if he did activate everything then I'm sure he'd tell you (if you asked)

Melody: very assuring Elijah

Elijah: ofc
Now go talk to him so I can text my aunt Reina back to tell her Leo is married 😊

Melody: uh you go do that!

Melody is offline

Harry and Melody private chat

Melody: we need to talk

Harry: last time you said that we broke up
Are you already ending our friendship?

Melody: no idk maybe depends on what you say

Melody: was what Malia saying true?

Harry: I knew this was gonna come up

Harry: but yes
She wasn't lying, but I swear I didn't know that she was in a relationship or was going into one

Melody: thx for being honest

Harry: so are we still friends??

Melody: Yes Harry
Not only do I still love you, but we CANNOT go back to your emo phase

Harry: *squeals*


Melody: Even Theo and Blaise couldn't stand you😭😭

Harry: I do want to say they'd kneel instead but that sounds wrong-

Harry: since I know you are very slow it's basically implying that they would be sucking my-

Melody: NO I GET IT and I'm not that slow

Harry: and I'm straight

Melody: fair point.

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