Chapter 58: Disowned.

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(Diego's family house)

What on earth am i going to do with yous? Kill you? No emeris would never forgive me.

(Outside in the drive way)


fuck. They werent suppose to be home for at least another two weeks. What are they doing back? I thought to myself. Get up stairs and do not make a sound. Or i swear i will fucking kill you.



(Diego unties francissco and danielle and shove them upstairs then runs outside)

Mom, dad? What are yous doing back so early?

Well vale got sick so we had to cancel our trip. Why do you seem so shocked?

I hope you werent thorwing a house party?

Of course not.

Good. Now helo us get these bags out of the car.

(Diego helps with the luggage)


The fuck was that.

Oh nothing its just my window.

(Diego drops everything and runs upto his room)

Diego: What the fuck. Shut up the both of yous. fuck fuck fuck what am i going to do. You know what come with me.

(Diego unties them and rips the tape off)

Diego: follow me.

(they all walk downstairs)

Martina: Ugh darling who are they?

Diego: Mom, Dad theres something you should know.

Martina: You best start talking now.

Diego: Kingi is Alive.

Martina & Conrad: WHAT?

Diego: He's alive and lives here with his new wife. 

Martina: How long have you known?

Diego: Few months or more.

Conrad: Sono  mesi che mi stai prendendo in giro adesso? ( Months are you fucking kidding me right now).

Martina: So then who are they? (points to danielle and francissco)

Diego: Kian's parents, Emeris's grandparents.

(Knock Knock)

Conrad: ill answer the door.

Diego: if yous make a sound i will fucking put a bullet between your two eyes got it?


(Conrad answers the door)

Conrad: Hi can i help you?

Rocco: Yeah im looking for diego. is he here?

Conrad: Hes not here at the moment. can you come back later?

Rocco: of course.

Diego: WHO IS IT?

Conrad: Fuck!

Rocco: *smiles* move.

(conrad moves out of the way)

Rocco: good choice. 

(rocco walks into the kitchen)

Rocco: The fuck? Put the gun down diego. 

Diego: no.

Rocco: how would you feel if emeris knew you were pointing a gun towards her grandparents? huh? she would hate you. And you know that. Now put the gun down.

Diego: They are not going anywhere with you. Kingi would kill us if he knew i let them go. 

Martina: son just listen to him. you dont know what your doing.

Diego: oh i think i do. 

(points the gun to martina) 

Martina: Son what a- are you do-doing?

Diego: What i should have done a long time ago. Goodbye Mother. 

Rocco: NO.

(rocco jumps in front of the bullet letting the bullet hit him in leg.

Conrad: ENOUGH! DIEGO! Martina get the kids and get into the car. Now. leave everything. 

Danielle: ROCCO!

(danielle runs towards rocco ripping part of her shirt of and tying it around his leg stopping the blood from coming out).

Martina: Kids lets go get into the car.

( the kids run down stairs and get in to the car with their mother.)

Francissco: GIVE ME THE GUN. BOY.

Diego's pov: It felt good to finely shoot someone. I was just hoping it would be Mother.

Conrad: You have lost your shit just like your brother did. He's brainwashed you.

Diego: oh please dad you all seen it coming. 

Conrad: No. Your are not my son. Not anymore. I disown you Diego Romero Dezmend.

Rocco: the cars outside one of you will have to drive because i cant. 

Danielle: ill drive.

(danielle and Francissco help rocco stand and walk outside then put him in the car).

Francissco: Meet us at the hospital. 

Conrad: sure. 

(they all leave and drive to the hospital)

Diego's pov: after they left i thought to myself i have finally gone insane just like my own brother did. Fuck this. 

(diego grabs the alcohol from the top shelf and drinks it)....

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