Hitting the Books

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The day of the week was Wednesday on a falling season. The sky is beaming a bright yet calming orange as the burning ball floats high in the sky.

It was quiet in Kazehaya High School. There were no clubs currently being held as of now while the hallways remain empty of no sound to be heard. You could hear the wind from across the hall if the windows were open.

Peaceful, it seems that everyone had left school from a quarter until four. But there was one who still limped around in the school.

Click! Click! Click!

It was a boy who wore h/c h/l hair, smooth s/c skin, and relaxing e/c eyes. With a bag wrapping around his shoulders to his back, there were support beams under his arms, strolling casually down the hallway with a heavy boot that wrapped around one of his feet.

His name is Y/n L/n.

Recently he was injured during his off-season training with a friend of his.

Thanks to his carelessness, he forgot to stretch and on that day he strained a muscle up in his ankle.

Ever since then, he walks around with crutches and a fortified shoe to protect his ankle.

And now it's been a few weeks after his injury as he continues to struggle to stay upright with the crutches. He would hobble around while nearly falling to his knees, trying to get from Point A to Point B.

Today, his Point B was at the library.

There was not much activities Y/n could do physically unless he wants to pressure his ankle more into breaking it rather than a strain.

He wobbles forward in the hallway and finds a familiar door he walks in to almost everyday for the last four weeks. His hand slides the door open to reveal a near empty library filled with shelves and reading materials, not a soul could be seen inside.

But then he glances back at the middle of the room and finds the same four girls as usual who stares curiously at him. He avoids their gaze and staggers to an empty table by the window.

It was his favorite seat. He could see everything from the outside and find a nice view of the trees and grass and the occasion people walking by the school.

Y/n then returns his focus on himself and pulls a few books and a pencil from his bag. He has a small project coming up as he doesn't want to waste his time dilly dallying.


It's been an hour since Y/n came into the library as he was almost finished with the small assignment that was due at the end of the week.

It felt exhausting to Y/n but it was worth the trouble since Y/n was a smart student. A top twenty-five in his grade but still enough for Y/n to pass with high grades.

He sighs a breath out, he takes a look at the girls at the middle of the room who all looked back at him and giggles softly. Y/n turns back at his books on his desk and remembers the last times they were here.

They were pretty loud whenever he comes inside the library. Laughter and talking was all it filled in his ears every visit.

Though it seems bad, he had a fluttering feeling in his stomach whenever he sees this one girl.

A blonde girl with tanned skin and brown eyes, they would always meet each other's gaze when Y/n decides to take a look at the group in the middle.

For some reason he felt mushy when he sees the girl, she'd always smile softly and wave to him and in return, he waves back and focus on his studies or book he was reading.

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