A Nice Day at the Beach

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"Man... What a hot ass day..." Y/n fans the collar of his shirt to his face on a heating Friday.

School was out for the week, summer was inbound as a boy rested inside his room. The air conditioner was on full blast at the lowest temperature as he laid in his bed. A hand was fanning his face with his baseball cap now, the boy was sweating a bit despite the cold air whiffing into him as he gets up from his bed and head towards the balcony of his room.

He takes a glance outside, the rays of the sun blasted in his face as the boy puts his hand on the glass door only to retract back at the immense heat and groaned.

"Man, it is hot as hell in this fucky-ass, hot-ass room I'm in... IS THAT THE RUGBY REAPER?!" The boy shouts as he finds a familiar boy walking down the street and across his view.

He wore all black. Black hoodie, black pants, black sneakers, black hat as he carried a pair of plastic bags. Y/n was in awe to find him wearing dark colored clothes in this blazing day.

"...Isn't he... like... sweating in that? He's probably going to pass out from heatstroke..."


His phone goes off in the middle of his room, he takes a glance at it on the table to find a blonde girl that was throwing up a piece sign. She was taking a selfie with the words "Sakura" written on the top of the screen.

The boy picks the phone up and answers. "Yo... What's up, Sakura?"

"Hey, Y/n!~" the girl answers happily from the other side of the line. "My friends and I are going to the beach today... You wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure... I'll join you guys..." the boy smiles softly, still fanning himself off as the girl squealed softly. Not before he stops her from hanging up.

"You don't mind if my friends join, do you?"

"Your friends?"


"Are they... like..."

"...Are they like the two boys we met at FFC?"


"No... They're pretty chill... Silly but chill..."

"How silly?"


"Hey, Y/n!"


"You're looking really sus in that hot swim trunks you're wearing right now!~"

"...What is your problem?" A h/c shook his head softly as he heard his best friend making such a bold statement about his outfit. But he smiles softly because that's how boys are.

Especially with his two friends who they were on their way to the beach right now.

The time was noon, hot as hell as even our author is sweating while writing this and it's a rainy day today. They were with a few more friends, Y/n's specifically as the three had just arrived in their swim trunks and shirts and were heading to the umbrella with a few students that were underneath.

"Yo!" Y/n would shout as it brought some attention to the teens that were setting the blankets up from under. The first to react was none other than Y/n's first friend in high school.

"Y/n-kun!~" it was Sakura as she runs to the boy and took him into a large hug. From his memory before she grabbed him, she had a snow tiger swimming bikini on, standing out with her other friends.

It was any other interaction Y/n had with Sakura, being pulled into a hug and be met with an excited girl as it made Y/n a little nervous. Especially when her chest was pressing against's Y/n's bare one.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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