Getting to Know Her Friends

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The lunch bell finally rings on a Thursday afternoon as Y/n and Mahomes could be seen in the back packing their hands work up in a bag while conversing.

"So is your foot ready for tomorrow?"

Y/n looks down at his ankle and starts to move it around a bit. "Yeah... Looks like it..." he says as he does small stomps to make sure his theory was correct.

He nods satisfyingly as he grabs his wallet from his bag and gets up from his seat, along with Patrick who grabs his. "Lunch at our usual spot?" He asks which Y/n shakes his head.

"Not for today. I have other plans."

Patrick could be seen cocking his head at his best friend. "Huh? Who are you eating lunch with?"

"I'm going to eat lunch with-"

"Y/n-kun!~" a voice calls to him from the entrance at the back of the classroom as the two turns to see an ecstatic girl who waved the boy down.

He could only smile softly from her irresistible cute self as Patrick could see all of this unfold and grin playfully.

"Oh! You're going to eat lunch with your girlfriend, huh?~" he asks Y/n as all he could do in this situation was frown at him. "She's not my girlfriend, dude! I just met her yesterday!"

Mahomes starts to laugh as Y/n starts to grit his teeth again but lets it go. It was his best friend so of course he would always joke around like that as he snags his phone as well and heads off. "See ya after lunch!"

"Same here!" Patrick says as he walks to Sakura who had a charming smile on her face. "Hey, there. Ready for lunch?"

Sakura nods to him. "Mhm! Let's go!" She grabs his wrist and runs off with him, Y/n nearly stumbles but matches her pace easily.

He had a small smile on his face as they ran through the students and corners and finally met with a long line stretched across the cafeteria.

Fairly long, it gets short pretty quick as a student walks off with their tray of lunch and then another leaves in a matter of seconds.

They decide to get in line as well before more hungry kids shows up, they order their lunch, paid their bill, and head out of line.

Sakura was right in front of Y/n, he was following the blonde girl since she said she has a few friends that always save her a spot in the cafe.

She leads him through the crowded area, Y/n would sometimes grab a few glares from boys around him until Sakura stops. He takes a look at where she was about to sit and glance at the group of friends she told about.

It was the same group of girls from yesterday. He doesn't know how to act with the two since they both laughed at him while trying to exit out of the library.

He expected some more of the teasing matters but all he received was, "Sakura, isn't this the guy that always come inside the library from the past few weeks?"

Sakura smiles and pulls his arm down, forcing him to take a seat with his tray slamming on the table. "Mhm!~ His name is Y/n-kun!~" she excitedly replied, still hugging his arm as Y/n could only listen in on their conversation, still being embraced.

He could still feel the glares of the boys around him grow stronger as Y/n tries to ignore it off by using his free hand to eat while talking with the girls in the group.

It was working well, it made Y/n feel at ease as he was actually getting along with Sakura's friends.

The girl with the yellow twin tails and has a catlike smile was Yoshi. And next to her with more darker hair falling behind her back and some strands in front of her was Gamo.

Sakura x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now