Chapter 21 - Light It Up

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       The vikings had begun work as soon as Stoick had gave them his word. The shore was safe, no dragons were in sight – which unsettled Stoick more than if he were already fighting the beasts.

   "Silence that Night Fury," Stoick pointed at (Y/n), who was still struggling against her restraints, pushing away from the island, spikes on her neck standing up in what Stoick thought was fury. "Or whatever it is. We cannot allow it to alert it's companions."

   "Aye, chief," Spitelout, Stoick's brother said and fastened the binding around (Y/n)'s snout, who tried to bite his fingers off to the best of her ability. "What even is that beast? It don't look like a Night Fury, that's for sure."

   "I don't know what it is, nor do I care," Stoick grumbled and then raised his voice; "Unload your ships and dismount! Assemble the catapults and prepare the shore for defending."

   After various sound-offs of agreements and noises of complaints, Stoick turned to face Spitelout.

   "That beast had served its purpose." Stoick stared into (Y/n) vertical, almost invisible pupils and bright – too bright – blue eyes. "I'll allow it to watch its family be defeated. Then," Stoick leaned in close, and for the short moment he stared (Y/n) down, she stared back, snarling and puffing smoke, "we'll finish with it as well."

   "Ah, let's show it what it feels like. Like the sound of that," Spitelout said with a smug smile and departed to fulfil his duties of leading the people to assemble the catapults.

   "Good thing I made sure it can't break free," Gobber commented as he and Stoick left their ship – the last vikings to do so. "She's very adamant on gettin' out."

   "She won't be getting out."

   Gobber followed Stoick who didn't stop until he reached Spitelout who had stood before the army that has set up at top speed.

   "When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose," Stoick said as he drew a vague shape resembling the mountain in the stones with his sword; then, he drew three arrows pointing towards it.

   "In my undies," Gobber said, not filtering what he thought.

   Spitelout looked at Gobber as if her were a lunatic.

   "Good thing I brought extras."

   Stoick ignored Gobber's comment.

   "No matter how this ends," Stoick said thickly, thinking about his wife and the cruel dragon that had took her away from him; he thought of Hiccup, his small, weak and so breakable boy whom he formerly called his son and how he had betrayed his father for a dragon, "it ends today."

   Stoick stared up at the wall of dark stone and glared at it. Tightening his grip on his battle axe and squaring his shoulders, he lifted his empty hand. Palm wide and fingers scarred, every pupil of Berk held their breaths as they watched their leader. The air was silent and still; only (Y/n)'s struggles against chains, rope and wood broke through the thick tenseness.

   Stoick curled his hand into a fist and the catapults released their first round.


       "Are you sure this was a good idea?" Fishlegs shouted over the rushing wind towards Hiccup, who flew on his left.

   "It wasn't, but it's the best option we've got," Hiccup answered as he leaned closer to Toothless, who was becoming more and more unnerved the thicker the fog became around them.

   "Well, it was a stupid plan," Snotlout exclaimed and slammed his fist against Hookfang's horn – who as revenge lit himself on fire briefly and burnt Snotlout's underside. "OUCH! DON'T DO THAT!"

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