Chapter 8 - Forbidden Friendship

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       "How could you even end up in here?" I inquired with a low snarl. "You know you can't fly properly, so why even come close to here?"

   "Like I wanted to," he shot back, not literally of course.

   "Then how in the ever-loving name of the Red Death did you end up in here?" I ask, snorting a puff of smoke through my nostrils.

   He muttered something under his scales that I could just quite make out.

   "I lost control..."

   "No surprise there," I snorted. "You know you need both fins to steer properly, right? Or do I have to teach you—"

   "I know how to be a dragon!" he let loose an almighty roar as he reared up, eyes narrowed into slits and wings flapping threateningly.

   "Then start acting like one!" I roared back. "That human probably knows you can't fly, and soon he'll be back with more of his kind, ready to—"

   "They wouldn't be stupid enough to do that," he tried to reason.

   "You can't see reason, can you?" I shook my head and snorted. "He's so agitating!" I thought, the feeling accompanying it bitter-sweet. Trotting up and down, I tried to think of a way both of us could get out.

   A quick look-around told me that there were roots hanging into the cove, but they would be too weak to support our weight.

   The walls were smooth, with no crack to grip with our claws, so climbing out there was a dead end too.

   "I mean, I could always just leave him here and go back and ask for her help," I thought, but the mere thought of asking for her help made me shiver. "As long as I'm alive, not happening."

   A loud thud and a grunt of pain drew my attention immediately. It was instinct to see what you could win off of an injured dragon. It's easy prey.

   "What are you doing?" I questioned his still form.

   "What do you think?" He retorted. "Trying to get out of course."

   "Despite knowing that you can't fly?" I raised a questioning eyebrow, just to make sure I was hearing his stupid naivety correctly.

   "I have to keep trying, now don't I?" He stated it more than asked.

   "Of course you do, but please, try and use your brain," I rolled my eyes at him. "You could always try the roots on the other side—"

   Before I could even state the second option I found so far, he was – once again – trying to fly over the water.

   "1, 2, 3..."

   And just as predicted, he fell in.

   "Hopeless eel," I thought and trotted off to another root hanging from the edge of a cliff. Jumping onto it I wrap may tail around I and hang down, ready to sleep. "Hopeless, last of our species, eel," Was my last thought before I went to sleep through the day.

       The next time I awoke was when he pretty much shook me off the branch, so I had to catch myself before I fell headfirst onto the ground. The sky was a baby blue still, but a few pinks were beginning to swim in.

   "Are you trying to piss me off and get killed?" I snarl at him. "You should know better than anyone not to provoke me."

   "Look at this!" He didn't even answer my threat or question.

   Instead, he took a running start – which was weird to watch, since we took off vertically at all times – beat his wings in sync properly for a few seconds, and ended up on a stack in the middle of the pond of the cove.

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