Chapter 5 - Search of Kin

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       As soon as I stood, my body froze.

   I couldn't just simply leave – her highness would obviously notice – without facing any repercussion after my return. There has to be a way; there will be a way for me to go back and find that other Night Wing. I had given up my freedom to protect myself from her wrath, but now? Now I'm willing to give up that safety if that means I'll know someone of my own kind.

   "If I'm not smart about this, I'll be eaten before I can fire at her," I think with a low, breathy growl. I scorch the ground beneath my paws and circle it before lying down again. "I could leave in the middle of the night and come back with a few fish. That would certainly be a stroke to her ego."

   Trusting my plan, I let myself fall hallway into slumber to rest before I carry it out.

        When my ears register no sound other than soft snoring – and the rumbling growl she sleeps with – I know my time has come. Wasting absolutely no time, I take of at a speed no other dragon could even dream of replicating.

   The air outside the nest is crisp and clean, not stuffy and disgusting. The fog still sits heavy on the jagged rocks that guard my – our – home and it takes my special ability of sightless vision (echolocation) to maneuver through them properly. But the exhilaration and the adrenaline of the knowledge that I'm not the only one out there – that I'm finally not all on my own – fuels me beyond enough to keep on going.

   "Let's see what I can have for a late night snack," I croon after I left the fogged area. The surface of the water is smooth and calm, such a contrast to what it was like when I last flew over it. My eyes stare back at me, and I give a shake of my head when I see how much my crown of spikes is disoriented. "Hello there."

   A group of young fish swam towards the surface out of curiosity or sheer terror from something beneath them, but this opens the silver window of opportunity I was looking for.

   A single beat of my wings carries me high enough to dive bomb into the water and catch a mouthful of the fairly sized group.

   "So dumb," I think proudly.

   Tossing the small group of fish into the air, I shoot a blast at them and catch them once more. The freshly fried fish is one of my favorite meals to fill an empty stomach with.

   After the small stop to eat, the journey to the awful village of Scaleless is a quick and easy one. Dodging aggressive Scauldrons that are way too slow to catch me is an easy feat, and doesn't require any of my attention. It's an instinct to evade attacks. It has to become one if you ever want to survive in the world all on your own.

   "Maybe he's never attacked a village before and that's why he let his guard down so easily when he spotted me. Maybe he, too, thought that he was the only one." I roll the thought around in my head, but come to a conclusion that clashes with the previous statement. "No, he's too well fed to have never attacked a village. And if his home and Alpha provide him with enough food and protection, then why leave?"

   I almost scoff at the statement.

   "If I could leave, I would," I growl loudly, and lift myself higher than the thin layer of clouds.

   The freshly raided village is still bustling with Scalelesses, and the many fires the Fire Starters were instructed to light are mostly missing. The emptied cages leave a warmth in my chest, knowing I was able to feed and protect myself once again. I return to the spot where the other Night Wing and I touched wings. A little ways away was where he was shot down, and then fell downwards on my left side.

   "He must've landed in the woods," I grumble, thinking about all the trouble which – no doubt – had been caused by crashing into trees. "If he can't fly, I'll leave him."

   But even I know that promise is false.

   The sun is beginning to rise, and I know that every dragon back in the nest will be too busy trying to feed themselves to notice my absence. And even if they do, I'll just lie that I've been hunting for extra meat.

   "He was shot down, so somebody will come to capture him in those tangled brown vines," I growl, already angry with the Scaleless that had been sent out to finish him off.

   The forest blends into a green blur a few feet beneath my swift form, and my gaze is fleeting, searching for every bit of detail that will help me find him. Taking deep breaths, I find his scent and the scent of blood as well.

   "Hopefully it's not a broken wing..."

   As soon as the broken, bent tree is below me, I propel myself towards the ground and catch myself at a slow glide. Lifting myself over a boulder, I have to beat my wings frantically as I spot his unmoving form.

   I've found him, but is he still alive?

       Picture by DashieSparkle on DeviantArt

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