Chapter 24: New Home, New Peace

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       "(Y/n)!" I roared, still gliding over the now dissipating flames. "(Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?"

   The queen had been defeated, whether I could take even the smallest bit of credit for it still a question I ignored as the argument (Y/n) and I parted ways before it plagued my mind.

   "Hiccup!" I roared, the harsh sound ebbing away into a whine as I began to panic with no answer to hear. "COME ON, WHERE ARE YOU?"

   The island was still coated in a thick cloud of darkness; both of ashes and rubble, the smoke of the remains that tainted my senses with such a putrid smell I almost fell out of the sky. The Scalelesses were still on the island, following, trailing after their leader as he walked towards where her highness fell and- and met her demise.

   He was shouting, too.

   Angling my wings closer to my body, I took to a slow, sloppy dive and struggled to stop and stay airborne and on course as I tried to glide over the rubble itself and try and spot the two most important beings in my life. I could barely comprehend what lay below me, smoke thinning but the ground so battered and riled up (Y/n) dark scales would hide her better than I could spot from afar.

   "(Y/n)! Hiccup! Answer me!" I snarled, throat no longer strong enough as exhaustion settled in and I lost control of my remaining fin and crashed into the ground.

   Shaking the small stones off of myself, I stood up and whined.

   "Come on, I just got you two back..." I whined and shook my head, focusing my blurry vision on the ground now much closer to me. "Don't leave me..."

   I trotted along the debris, running where I could, but never making far before the blunt pain in my paws exploded and made me stop. It never took me long to start straining again, either; (Y/n) just threw herself in my spot and saved Hiccup instead of me.

   "She knew she had a better chance of surviving," I told myself, a sick reassurance I couldn't make myself believe. "She had to have survived, she's too suborn to just- to just up and fight, win a battle like that and then- then throw it all away for my happiness."

   I heard soft snoring, my ears and muscles processing it before I actually took in the sound and what it meant. Eyes and sight now sharp and focused solely on the single thing I could connect to the origin of the sound, ears alert as I run forwards, ignoring the throbbing and relief laying down offers.


       "Hiccup!" Stoick cried, walking forwards blindly as he searched the son he had just got back – he couldn't live through losing him.

   It was enough to feel as helpless and useless as he did during the battle against that horrid dragon he had foolishly released. Standing beside his people, beside friends he didn't know – didn't believe – Hiccup had as he was forced to watch nothing but the clouds and the occasional flash of bright blue or purple that shone through once his son and the two Night Furies disappeared.

   "Hiccup!" Stoick repeated, stumbling over stones and broken boulders, his people lagging behind him. "SON!"

   He heard the roar of a Night Fury, then saw the silhouette of one wobbly gliding over the aftermath of the fight far ahead of him.

   "Night Fury, get down!" one of his people was foolish enough to cry.

   Stoick didn't bother with the man; he didn't care if his people stayed behind and let him walk into the smoke and possible gates of hell all on his own. All that mattered was finding him, rescuing him like he failed to save Valka.

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