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[Third Person...]

"How's the assignment going?" Director Fury asks the Avengers not directing the question toward anyone in particular, they were all sat in the conference room, on the left side of the table held; Natasha, Clint, Tony, Steve, and Bucky. On the right side held; Wanda, Pietro, Peter, Sam, and Rhodey. Thor sat at the end of the table, and Banner stood in the corner of the conference room.

"It's- It's good, yea good." Peter says shrugging off the question. Tony looks at the kid already pre-annoyed.

"No it's not, it's- the assignment is shit." Tony says being brutally honest.

Director Fury just crosses his arms showing authority over the Avengers.

"What's happened?" He asks

"She runs away any chance she gets, these three morons can't seem to speak to her for more than a minute, and- oh yeah, she refuses to believe the truth." Tony responds rubbing his temple. Fury sighs in frustration.

"Alright, you all have been doing all these encounters alone, yes?" He asks

They all nod their heads, listening in on what Director Fury was going to say next. It seemed he had gotten an idea.

"For now on any encounters with y/n will be dealt with together, and by force." He says sternly, the Avengers all looked at him in a bit of shock.

"By force?" Bucky asks, Fury just nods answering his question. Sam chimes in. "Come on man, she's just a kid. A kid who has been through the deepest parts of hell and back, cut her a break." He says defending you.

"Don't undermine me Wilson, I have my reasons for my orders. Deal with it in your way, I will be monitoring all your encounters, and guiding you if I feel you need to be guided. Suit up." He says walking out.

The three teenagers that sat in the chairs all looked to one another in shock. Y/n is their friend, especially Peter's. But the other two had developed quite a liking towards the girl.

"Peter, Maximoff's. What do we need to know about Y/n Luna, what have you learned?" Steve  asks the twins and young boy. They all look at eachother before speaking.

"She comes from a really jacked up home." Peter starts

"She does not trust anyone." Pietro continues.

"She is very protective of family, or those close to her." Wanda says.

"She knows how to put up a fight, and she's scared of a dude named Danny." Peter starts again.

"Her brother is more engrossed in protecting the mother instead of his siblings, he will not be much of a fight if you include the mother." Pietro says

"She's intelligent, she'll talk down her intelligence to seem stupid to fit in." Wanda admires.

"And she has gangs lining up to initiate her into their 'familias' but I figure they want to use her as much as they can, but she continuously refuses to join any of them, especially Ivan's, who is the largest and most powerful in Los Angeles. If you have a problem with anyone when it comes to y/n, it'll be Ivan... and Danny. Both having protective- or possessive power over her." Peter explains, Tony rubs his temple even harder now.

"This is just great." Tony says getting up and pouring himself a glass of bourbon. When Natasha comes up behind him taking the glass and throwing it out.

"We're about to go into the field, you shouldn't drink before a mission." She states

"A mission? This isn't a mission! This is a rescue! This is finding a lost puppy and bringing it to a shelter! We're not going in guns a blazing! Why suit up?" He says mocking the mission they were sent to go on.

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