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[Third Person...]

"Jab. Jab. Jab. Harder!" Tony yelled a bit frustrated.

"I'm trying my best!" You yelled

"Obviously it isn't if you can't even knock the dummy down!" Tony said grabbing the dummy and stopping it from its rattling.

"Go again." He said

Now you were frustrated. You turned around looking straight at him. "No." You say taking your gloves off and throwing them on the table.



"You do realize I'm the adult here, right? If it weren't for your mistakes you wouldn't be in this position!" Tony yelled a bit done with it all. He believed you weren't trying your best, that you were purposely holding back.

"I beg to differ." You sarcastically laughed taking a sip from your cold water before unwrapping your hands.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony asked

"Don't act all dumb when you know exactly what I mean. You and your whole organization had been following me around for months— years! I would have been doing this with or without my mistakes!" You said grabbing your duffel bag and start speed walking past the older man.

To be fair, Tony had been pushing you in order to try to get your powers to try to come out. Nothing worked. The blood tests Bruce had done did not work, it showed no blood altering serum, no alien blood. Nothing. They were all dumbfounded as to how you had these so called powers. If it weren't for Sam and Bucky experiencing them, and the journals they would beg to differ.

"Alright, Alright, Alright. I have been pushing too hard today, I'm sorry." What Tony wanted to say was, 'Fury is riding up my ass about getting you down in the field, I need your powers to be exposed so I can properly train you but I cannot tell you, that you have these things.' But he couldn't. He signed a contract.

"You think?" You replied rolling your eyes, beads of sweat from your previous three hour workout were rolling down your face.

"I'm trying to see how far I could push you, if I don't push, you don't get better." Tony half-lied. Your face softened.

"I guess your right, but god, do you have to act like a douche bag?" You asked

"It's in my nature. Now come on, let's get you home before dark." Tony said grabbing his keys.

He took you home, waving goodbye as he drove off. You put Ceci's car seat down to unlock the door when Danny opened it.

"Would you look what the cat dragged in." Danny said bitterly as he walked back towards the kitchen grabbing another beer.

"Go to your room and start your homework." You whispered to Cesar before kissing his head and sending him off. You grabbed the car seat coming in, Ceci's diaper bag hanging off your shoulder.

"Nena, we gotta talk. Sit." Danny said taking a swig of his beer. You furrowed your eyebrows but none the less took a seat at the table. Ceci was sound asleep, so it wasn't much of a hassle.

"Mandé? [yes?]" You asked

"Ivan and I have been in the works, talking and shit... I think it's time you were initiated." He said sternly, as if you had no choice.

"W-what? Why now?"

"Everyone in this house, makes a sacrifice. You're getting a bit too comfortable walking around town like it isn't my business, thinking I don't hear shit. About your little novia." He spat like it was venom.


"Ivan works for me, pendeja. His loyalty belongs with me. You wanna live under my roof? You gotta make sacrifices."

"As if I haven't made enough?" You asked, not daring to look at him. Tears forming in your eyes. He paused, beer almost touching his lips as he set it back down. Narrowing his eyes towards you.

Danny poked his tongue at his bottom lip, irritation.

"Come again?" He heard you well and clear.

"As if I haven't made sacrifices already?" You asked looking at him now, straight in the eye. A tear rolling down your cheek.

"You better watch who you're talking to... I don't know what that little Avenger put in your mind. But cut that shit out."

"Tony hasn't said a word to me that would change anything of how I felt before!" You yelled. Body unmoving, eyes locked. Danny only laughed, he stopped for a second to look at your face before laughing harder.

"Ay, preciosa, preciosa. You don't even know." He laughed a bit more before getting up and throwing away his beer. You sat, confused. Tear filled eyes, body stilled.

"What do you know?" You asked

"Obviously not more than you, so you say." He laughed again, mockingly. This made you get up out of your seat, grabbing Ceci and Cesar quickly walking out the door as Danny continued to mockingly laugh.

You took them to Esmerelda's place before making your way towards the Avengers compound.

You were training there, which meant you had an ID tag to help you get into the building no questions asked. You angrily pushed your way through doors, and into into the elevator. Tony should be in the conference room working on his paperwork, that's what he always tells you he'll be doing when he drops you off.

You finally got onto the conference floor, agents giving weird and shocked looks as they all watched you storm your way into the conference room Tony currently occupied.

"What aren't you telling me?!" You screamed, eyes locked with Tony. Fury was in the front of the room.

"Luna..." he said your last name in shock. Complete surprise written on his face. You looked toward him in anger before you looked around the room.

Peter, Kate, Pete, and Wanda...

"Y/n, we can explain." Tony tried reasoning. Bucky, Sam, Clint, Natasha, and Steve all looking as the scene unfolds in front of them.

You looked towards the front again, where Fury stood. Your picture behind him on the screen.

"It was a lie... it was all a lie." You said backing up slowly.

"Y/n, let us explain." Kate said

"Fuck you." You said before trying to leave, but two agents took a hold of your arms.

"I'm afraid you can't leave, Luna. The powers that you possess and the anger that you hold is far too dangerous to allow you to leave." Fury tried explaining.

All you felt were the hands on your arms. Angrily you slammed your knee into the groin of one of the agents, elbowing the other possibly breaking their nose.

Before you could make it out the conference room door, Pietro took a hold of you.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, suddenly feeling a weird painful sensation throughout his body. He screamed in agony, letting you go.

Wanda was next to get up. Fury set his hand in the air stopping her.

"Let her be, she's under a contract."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Peter asked in a bit of frustration.

"If she violates probation, she is a criminal, wanted, a ward of the state. She no longer has her freedom. She signed her life away." Fury stated.

It was a set up. Everything.

Danny, Ivan, Oscar, all planned to get you to turn your back to the Avengers.

Little did they know how binding an Avengers contract was to your life. Your freedom, everything.


Why? Well... why Not? ;)
I kinda don't like this chapter but whatever.

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