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Just seen Morbius, the FX could have used just a bit more work but it was GOOD. Loved how they made it sort of a horror film without being extremely scary. Props for that.

One day I'm going to go back into all of my chapters and date all of the chapters so it's easier so follow along. I will now be putting the months at the beginning of each chapter.

[Third Person...]
... October.

Despite warnings from Fury to stay clear of you; Wanda, and Peter made it their mission to try to fix things with you. Although Pietro tried convincing them it was a bad idea, they thought otherwise. Kate also had the idea of getting your trust back, but she was not friends with Wanda, Pietro, and Peter, so she decided to do things herself when it came down to it.

You sat at a table outside of the coffee shop waiting for Ivan, and Oscar to meet you to get a few things done that Danny needed.

That was until Peter, Wanda and Pietro decided this was the best time ever to come up to you. It hadn't even been a day, they were already trying to gain your forgiveness. Pietro convinced the two it would be better if Peter went by himself first to speak to you, they would listen and watch from a distance.

Peter quickly walked to your table and pulled up a chair, you had earbuds in your ears but when you felt the presence of someone else you took them off and looked up, until you saw Peter to which you rolled your eyes and tried putting your earbuds back on, to which Peter grabbed your phone and unplugged them. You didn't feel the energy to scream at the boy today.

"Y/n, please. Just give me a minute, okay?" He asked, you glared at him in silence, he took that as a green light to continue on. Only problem, he didn't think he'd get this far. Poor Peter.

"Uh... i-i, we... Uh, this was a mission Fury put us on." You rolled your eyes once more turning your attention elsewhere. Peter choosing to point the finger at the bigger guy, nice.

"It was wrong doing what we did, lying to you. But you wouldn't give any SHIELD agent the time of day, what else did you expect us to do?"

"Was I only a mission to you? To you all?" You ask, not daring to look up.

"No, i mean, yes. But only at first! You became my best friend, very quickly." Peter tried clearing up

"And what about Max? Oh, I'm sorry, I mean Wanda. What were her intentions after she would tell me it was all a lie? Hm? 'I'm sorry I lied to you, it was for the greater good. Sorry. We can still be friends.'" You chuckled bitterly

"You can all take your apologies and shove them up your asses." You shoved your chair away. Peter had to think of something quick to get you to turn around.

"SHIELD won't stop until you sign the Avengers Initiative, they'll force you to stay at the compound and you'll have no right but to comply, let me help you."

"What Peter? Feel guilty now? The kid from the wrong side of the tracks might get her rights taken away— oh wait, I never had any... you see Peter..." you put your hand on your lip rubbing it slightly as you thought

"When your family is a bunch of drug addicts, alcoholics, and gang bangers, the cops pinpoint you as a target. You add Hispanic into the mixture and automatically your all of that plus child traffickers, drug dealers, and immigrants even if you were born here and have nothing to do with any of it! Now throw in that you're gay and might have super human abilities— god!" Peter listened to you intently.

"I'm lucky I'm not dead by now... I mean— I'm a walking symbol that says 'Criminal' on her back. I must have really did a number to win this lottery, am I right?" Bitter, but you weren't finished.

"I've been put in a cage once before by the government, if they want to do it again, I'm sure I can handle it." You said bitterly before turning around, Peter spoke again, after a minute.

"Wanda didn't mean to hurt you— she really did have feelings for you, you know?"

"Yeah well... said every liar who's ever hurt someone."

"Come on, Luna—" Peter got up from his seat, rushing towards you, but before Peter could grab your wrist Oscar came and blocked him from you.

"Would you look at that, it's the Avenger apprentice, here to do the pigs dirty work for them." Oscar laughed

"Can you even spell 'apprentice'?" Peter asked sarcastically

"What the fuck you just say to me?" Oscar asked stepping up towards Peter, even if Peter was a few inches shorter.

"Leave him be, O. We have somewhere to be." You try de-escalating the situation.

"That's your cue to beat it, white boy. Before you deal with me." Ivan said now taking his turn to step towards Peter.

"Was that supposed to scare me?" Peter asked, he had been holding in a bit of anger and was ready to fight if need be. Even if it were only for his pride.

"Oh, white boy is getting brave now." Ivan said pushing Peter.

"Show me your toughness." He said pushing him once more, Peter's anger about to burst.

"Fuck off, you don't want to see me when I'm angry." Peter said

"Oh, now I'm scared." Ivan replied with a bit of a laugh. He turned around to Oscar laughing before trying to throw a punch at the spider boy. Pietro was there fast enough to stop it, holding his fist and flipping the gang member over.

"Didn't see that coming, did you?" He asked, Oscar had his gun out quickly.

"Oscar! Gun, away, now." You ordered.

"Nah, he can't just come up in here and do that shit."

"Oscar, I won't ask again. Put it away." You said through gritted teeth, Wanda slowly came out of her hiding spot. Not close enough for Oscar or Ivan to see her, but enough for her to catch your eye.

Your heart thumped. Your thoughts raced quickly before getting back to the situation at hand.

Finally, the only way to get Oscar to take you seriously was playing his own game. You quickly took your gun out from the hem of your pants pointing it at Oscar's head with one hand.

"Put the fucking gun down, pendejo!" Oscar looked at you slowly, it was quiet for a minute, maybe two. No one expected you to do that. You never carried a gun with you, it so happened in this point of time you had one for what you needed to do for Danny.

You and Oscar stared at each other with deadly gazes before he decided to comply and put his away.

"This isn't over, super hero." Oscar said angrily before walking back over to the car. You finally put your gun away before looking towards Pietro and Peter.

"Get out of here before someone gets hurt... and get her out of here too." You said looking toward Wanda who was not breaking her gaze from you.

You helped Ivan up before walking away.

"What you want me to do, boss?" Ivan asked you

"Leave them be, we don't need the rest of the Avengers on our asses." You reply

"They'll be on our asses soon enough." You say under your breath loud enough for Ivan to hear, he turned to look at you before looking away.


I don't know how I feel about this one?

Wrong Side of Town - Wanda Maximoff wlwOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant