Chapter 6- Unraveled

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Warning: implied references rape/non con and slash. This is a flashback and will explain why Severus needed that STD potion in one of the previous chapters. You can skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable. For the people who decide to read it....sorry not sorry.

Severus finally finished his tea and stood up from the dinner table. Without thinking too much about his condition, he began to get dizzy and flashes of white appeared in front of his eyes. 


"My Lord," Severus said with fake confidence evident in his voice. He kneeled down at the Dark Lord's feet and brought his lips to the hem of his robe to briefly kiss it. That's how he liked it, having him submit completely. It was cold and grimy down here. He tried to refrain himself from shaking too much even under the layers of robes he had put on before his arrival.

He could feel eyes burning on every inch of his body and he felt naked and watched. Severus was located in the middle of the circle that was formed by hooded figures. It wasn't hard to detect who was who. Lucius, next to his son Draco who kept shuffling on his feet and glancing around with his mask on. He could recognize Bellatrix from her insane cackling she couldn't help but release from her mouth.

His throat was squeezed shut, but not by the Dark Lord's hand but by the frightening thought of his punishment. He knew there was no meeting today but he made an announcement that something special was about to happen and Severus was in no position to refuse, obviously.

His knees ached from the harsh ground he was kneeling on for over 15 minutes. His hands were obediently glued behind his back and his chin was held up in the air but his eyes cast downwards to his knees.

He fought inwardly with his breath, constantly debating whether to breathe normally or hold it on to not piss off his Dark Lord.

"We know about the girl, sssseverus." His breath hitched but he didn't dare to look up. They know. Severus knew this wouldn't go unpunished and it was probably the reason that Bellatrix was laughing so insanely like a bird that was about to die. Did they find out he was spying?
"You can keep the girl, Ssseeverusss. But it won't be unpunissshed." Severus' blood ran cold and he mentally prepared for the Crucio that was about to hit him, but when nothing came....his gaze fell upon Voldemort.

"My Lord?" He asked questions when he merely stood there in front of him. The Dark Lord gave one of the hooded figures a curt nod and stepped backwards. Severus recognized it as Lucius Malfoy but when he went to walk to him, the cloaked person on his right grasped him by the wrist. Lucius sneered at him and tried to yank himself off but the other person, probably Draco, didn't let go.

"Father," He hissed softly as a warning, with no mistaking it was Draco Malfoy. Severus could do nothing else but wait on his knees for something to happen. He didn't even know his punishment yet and perhaps he wasn't discovered yet, but will be if he would run now.

Lucius stopped once he was in front of Severus and one hand was placed under his chin to lift his head. Severus couldn't help but stare in those gray eyes and get lost in them. Nothing else was hearable except for the pounding in his ears and the blood rushing through his veins. He was frightened, and this time wasn't afraid to admit it to himself.

"We're going to have so much fun, little one." With those words, Lucius lowered his head and crashed their lips together with a strong force. The firm grip on his chin didn't let go and even squeezed harder. Severus felt like all the oxygen was sucked out of his lungs. He faintly heard Bellatrix swearing at Severus for being a slut, a whore. He could hear distant voices from others who were laughing and saying they'll enjoy the show.

A wet, hot tongue was pushed through his pursed lips and he tried to shake his head to let go and let out a desperate whine. He didn't want this. It didn't feel good even though Lucius was supposed to be his best friend. He hated this. He wanted to go back.

"Go on, Luciussss. We're waiting." Severus could hear it was the Dark Lord who had taken a seat on his throne and watched them with a curious expression. Severus blocked out the Death Eaters standing around him and literally watched him being forced to make out with Lucius and hoped it would be over soon. But it wasn't because suddenly, cold air started to creep everywhere on his skin and he soon noticed his clothes had vanished. He wasn't wearing anything. His back would be visible for everyone to see, the one filled with scars from whips and curses. His scrawny, awkward body he tried to hide from the public eye after that incident with the Marauders was on full display. He didn't want to know what he looked like. Severus didn't want to imagine what they might think at the moment.

Lucius finally broke the kiss and pushed him down by placing his heavy, dragon boots on his chest so he would stumble backwards and fall on his back.

He let out a grunt from the pain as his spine and head collided with the hard stone and pushed himself on his elbows. He knew there was no point in fighting their plan. He had to obey and face his punishment for not killing Y/N because it would prove to the Dark Lord he was faithful to him.

"Severus. Please forgive me but I have no other choice. I love you, yeah? I'll try to make it quick," Lucius whispered soft enough so no one would hear around them. Severus couldn't be furious nor mad at Lucius for doing what he had to do in order to earn the Dark Lord's trust. He nodded and merely watched as he began to dispose of his robe, then his button from his trousers were opened and the zipper pulled down.

"Get on with it!" Severus heard someone yell and the Dark Lord chuckled, clearly amused by the scene playing in front of him. He had done this before. He had been penetrated before in his life, against his will that is. He could handle this and knew it would be over in a second. Severus' whole body was shaking from both the cold and the way everyone was looking at him.

Lucius' semi-erection was held in his hand and he gave a couple of squeezes and strokes to make it fully hard. They were friends, Lucius knew he couldn't get off on this so it'll be even harder to make this over quickly.

The man positioned himself and Severus felt the blunt head nudging against his entrance. His heart was pounding so hard it could probably make a car ride with electricity. With one go, he thrust in and Severus screamed from the pain at being split open.

His mind grew blank as he stared at Lucius' pained face mixed with pleasure he was trying to hide. Severus couldn't even say anything as horrible, nasty comments were being made on his body. He couldn't do anything else than lay there and take what he got. He couldn't stop it when Lucius was finally done and other people started to take their turn. Severus only stared at the person who was next and swallowed thickly at replaying old memories with them. From their time at Hogwarts, the things they did together, the awful punishments the Dark Lord gave them. Everything. And he couldn't help but shed a tear at being left behind, bloodied with semen leaking out of his twitching hole.

-End flashback-

A/N- for everyone who read it....again I apologize. 

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