Chapters 25- Papers

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"Stop stressing, darling," Severus said, and Y/N could almost snort at how ironic it was that he was saying that to her while he had been over his check-list multiple times by now.

"I know, I know," She muttered back as she looked at one of the pillows disapprovingly and fluffed it up a bit. They were planning on an evening filled with movies and junkfood and so the living room had to be as comfortable as possible. They had enough pillows lying around, enough blankets and enough food for two months.

The wards around their quarters made both of them turn to each other in fear. Severus strode over to Y/N and pulled her into a deep kiss before immediately going to the door to open it. Meanwhile, Y/N did her best to recover from the sudden kiss and wiped away the remaining saliva off her lips as she didn't want Jayden to figure out what happened just seconds before he came in.

"-Won against who?" She heard Severus say with some disbelief, although he could easily mask all his emotions. The two of them came into sight: Jayden with a nervous smile and Severus shooting Y/N glances while maintaining their conversation. When the smaller boy finally laid eyes on Y/N, he gave her another one of his shy smiles.

"Hello." They greeted each other before Severus interrupted.

"Jayden just told me he won against one of the Gryffindors." He smirked proudly as he patted Jayden's back, who struggled to remain standing. Y/N tried not to laugh at how fatherly and proud Severus looked. She knew he was genuinely afraid of not being good enough to be a father, saying he'd screw them up and that he just couldn't do it. He could, he just let his fears get in the way. The way he was raised, or rather the lack of raising, had caused him to overthink the idea of becoming just like his father but Y/N knew Severus would never be a violent man. Yes, he had some problems every now and then which included bad coping mechanisms but he was improving himself. The acknowledgement and initiative he showed was the difference between being good and bad.

Y/N, being familiar with being treated like the black sheep at home, never worried about it that much. She always knew her mother did the best she could under her circumstances and her father...she liked to pretend he'd get his karma someday. Being in the situation she was in now, with Jayden and Severus, she thought about her own family and how she cut ties with them a while ago. Her father deserved it but perhaps she could contact her mother somewhere in the following days, just to ask her how she was doing.

"You did?" Y/N asked him when she finally snapped out of her train of thoughts. Severus nodded before Jayden could.

"Dueled two, right? You're standing up for yourself." Jayden ducked his head as he heard Severus' praise, which was rare for a man like him. Normally, Severus wouldn't condone that kind of behavior but it was Jayden...someone who never stood up for himself, dueling against two Gryffindors. There was some small talk which turned out to be a bit more awkward than usual and it wasn't hard to figure out why. Severus, for one, wasn't extremely good at hiding his nerves that hinted to Jayden that there was something shady going on although everyone seemed to ignore the elephant in the room.

They put on the first movie of many that night and bundled up in front of the sofa, making it easier for them to grab snacks. Severus sat with his back against the couch as Y/N occupied the spot against his side and she briefly thought about that one time they'd also sat like this. That one time that they kissed heartedly which later turned into a fuck party. She blushed as she remembered Jayden sitting to their right. He had comfortably drawn up his legs and occasionally snatched some popcorn from Severus while Severus tried to bat his hand away with a scowl.

They made some hot chocolate during break and ate more and watched more movies. It was already 2 at night and they were knackered, although neither of them wanted to stop or turn to bed. That was the entire point of a binge watching night. Things eventually led to all of them being as relaxed as they could be and Severus nudged Y/N's side in the middle of another movie. Y/N immediately tensed against him and carefully turned her head to look at him. His eyes were hopeful yet he seemed like he wanted to run away as fast as he could. Jayden, being completely oblivious the entire time until now, caught on and set down his drink on the ground with a frown.

"Is there something important that I should know of?" His tone was a bit accusing but not too much since he probably didn't dare. He'd grown on them but it wasn't as if he let his guard down completely. Severus looked at Y/N for support but she kept quiet. They had arranged everything and so she knew Severus wanted to ask him. He opened his mouth but no words came out and Jayden frowned even more, a confused expression on his face. It was silent for a minute and Y/N was about to step in when Severus wordlessly summoned a stack of papers. Jayden tilted his head to look at the thick stack and Severus handed it to him without offering any explanation. They hadn't planned it like this but Y/N was too nervous to think about it. They watched silently as the boy read the first page but it seemed like he didn't catch on it yet.

"What's this?" He asked, exchanging looks with both of them.

"I- those are. Ehmm, papers for..." Y/N had seen Severus stutter before, but never seen it like this. It was an amusing sight to see her lover not knowing what to say while he usually knew exactly what comebacks to use and how to handle things. It turned out he wasn't the best at expressing his emotions which shouldn't come as a shock to most people.

"Read the bottom," Y/N finally hinted when it seemed like Severus was speechless from anxiety. Jayden gave them one more sceptical look and it appeared that even his nerves were growing as his eyes scanned the words. His mouth opened and soon he was gaping at the paper with shock in his eyes. Y/N immediately had a deja-vu as she remembered the first time she'd seen him: A Slytherin boy nervously standing in front of the door, asking for Professor Snape.

Jayden seemed to be done reading and slowly lifted his head with some effort as if he was scared to face them. His lips were still slightly parted and his eyes big. Y/N nearly flinched when she felt a hand coming to rest on her own which squeezed tightly. Severus' face gave nothing away but her hand could beg to differ.

"You want me?" Jayden whispered in the softest tone she'd ever heard. Then a bit louder followed: "You really- You want me?" He repeated.

"We do, of course we do," Severus said.

It appeared as if he was giving himself reassurance that it was real by repeating it. Excitement was evident in his voice and for a moment Severus' grip on her hand loosened before tightening again. Severus gave him a curt nod and Jayden laid down the papers and before both of them could register what was happening, he'd pulled them in an embrace. Jayden's voice squealed in Y/N's ears from enthusiasm and Severus finally let out the breath he was holding throughout the conversation.

"I can't believe it. You guys want me," He nearly screamed, forcing Severus to grasp gently on his upper arm to get his attention. Jayden let go of their hug and sat back on his heels, looking at both of them with anticipation.

"Can I- do I have to sign them?" Severus huffed a laugh and Y/N looked amused by the boy suddenly bouncing on his toes.

"You can think about it for a night or two if you want. You don't have to sign them immediately," Severus said with a hint of nervousness, as though Jayden would suddenly refuse the offer. Instead, Jayden shook his head and took the adoption papers in his hands.

"Please, I want to sign them now. Can I?" Y/N exchanged a glance with Severus and then gave Jayden permission. She hadn't thought that Jayden would be so eager to get it official the same night but she was also relieved to hear that he even wanted it. Throughout the process of Jayden reading everything and drawing his signature where it was needed, Severus smiled subtly. He didn't let it show extremely clearly and some may accuse him of not caring at all but Y/N noticed his glistening eyes. They were going to make a family.

A/N: I loved writing this chapter! I love Jayden in general. Just because he's adopted by them doesn't mean they're gonna be together 24/7 so there's going to be plenty of Y/N and Severus moments and perhaps some secrets being revealed?  

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