Chapter 27- beach

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She tightened her arms around his neck to pull his body closer. The familiar crushing weight was rather comforting and she gave into it without a second thought. Severus hummed into the kiss as his left hand massaged her breast as the other was supporting him. It was early in the morning and they gave each other a morning kiss, which quickly turned more heated as Y/N felt his hard cock press against her naked thigh.

Her hand caressed the swell of his ass and with a moment of hesitation, her finger stopped above his cleft. She could almost feel Severus frowning in their kiss but since he hadn't said anything else, she continued and trailed her finger down which seemed to get a reaction from Severus. He made a shocked sound and quickly pulled himself up to look down at Y/N.

"What are you doing?" If she had to be honest, she didn't quite know. She had read about it, and yes she had to admit that she was a bit curious. She had wondered what it might feel like, or look like. Would he groan out in pleasure just like he was fucking her, or maybe make a chocked moan as he was about to come? Y/N wanted to find out, she wanted the roles to be switched for once. She wasn't interested in dominating him in the slightest, but she would definitely enjoy the sight of him underneath her for once or perhaps on top of her as he rode out his pleasure.

"I thought that maybe we know." She bit her lip, knowing how it would turn Severus on and it seemed to work. The man swallowed thickly, stared at her for a second before sitting up on the bed cross legged.

"I don't know, darling. I love you but..." He trailed off and Y/N looked at him expectedly.

"The topic is sensitive for you. I get it and there's no need to rush your answer," She assured him quickly. Her thoughts immediately went to the day she had seen him so vulnerable, the day she drew her own conclusions and figured that something had happened with the Death Eaters. She hadn't expected him to be overjoyed, but she hoped that he was at least open to trying it. If not, she had some other ideas she'd like to try although this was on top of her list.

Suddenly, the alarm went off and filled the bedroom with its annoying sound. Severus gave her one last glance before getting out of bed and walking to the shower, closing the door behind him and leaving Y/N on the bed. She groaned and covered her face with her hands. This wasn't a good start of the day.

With everything packed and ready, it was time to say goodbye to their friends. Albus had given them some lemon drops while Minerva gave Severus a pat on his shoulder. They saw Jayden for the last time this vacation and went on their way. The place they chose was remote and in a peaceful place as they both needed to get away from the crowd for a while. Severus had found a website with multiple houses to rent on the beach.

When they arrived, Y/N wasn't disappointed. The house was rather small as they already knew, with a porch at the front. Walking in, they were greeted by the sitting room with a couch and a single chair. There was a small cable television and when you walked past it you came into the kitchen. It was quite cozy but neither had much trouble with it. The bedroom was separate and when they opened the door, Y/N's eyes were wide. A king's bed stood in the middle, not leaving much space except for the closet and nightstands but she already thought about the countless possibilities with that bed. The bathroom had a shower and a bathtub on claws. She could already imagine the two in there, some rose petals floating around, candles lit and Severus' strong body against hers. Arms wrapped around her waist and a chin laid down on her shoulder.

"It's perfect," He muttered against her cheek, kissing her slightly. Y/N nodded in agreement and they packed out their suitcases. She had read a bit on the website about how the houses came together once in a while for a barbeque or dinner. They were lucky that they could attend one as it was only once a week, but that was for later. At the moment, Y/N was in the bathroom putting on her bikini. As much as she trusted Severus, for some reason she had trouble with dressing and undressing if it wasn't sexual and fortunality the man accepted it.

It was quite late already but they still decided to have a quick dive into the salt water. When she came out, she was just in time to see Severus pull on his swim shorts. They were black, as expected, and tight everywhere. Severus raised an eyebrow at her and put his hands on his hips as if he was accusing her of something...perhaps for ogling him.

The beach was quiet because it was late already and there was a firm breeze. Without any shoes, Y/N's feet were in the sand. It was tickling her toes as she ran to the sea with Severus by her side. The glowing sun, a crisp circle in the bloody sky, illuminating a shaking path across the water. The ocean was colored with a comforting orange, clouds looming over it in a burning red. Running hand in hand with Severus was one of the best things she could experience. She ran into the water, trying to go faster but the crashing waves stopped her from doing so. Soon, she started floating in the water and the timeless sea seemed to swallow her up. Severus swam up to her, holding her by her waist and kissing her deeply.

His mouth tasted salty and it merely reminded her of where they were. It wasn't cold anymore as Severus seemed to surround her with his arms. When they broke apart, she couldn't help but look up at him. Eyes were widened, full with adrenaline and staring at her lovingly. He was smiling and overall...he looked at peace.

They swam for a while before sitting down in the shallow water where the remaining bits of foam washed on the shore. The sea cherished her ankles as the man next to her lay down in the sand, occasionally with a flow of water moving his hair. Y/N lay down next to him and stared at the clouds that were slowly disappearing. Severus leaned over her and kissed her.

"I love you," He murmured against her lips, nibbling on it softly.

"I love you too." 

A/N: Bit of a short chapter but I hope you still enjoy it!

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