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Jeff was upset.

No, scratch that. Upset wasn't the right word. Didn't give off quite the right energy.

Jeff was pissed.

It wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Anger was an old friend of his; a feeling that got him into trouble frequently, often times more trouble than it was worth to feed in the first place. Yet he nursed it like an alcoholic nursed their 'I promise this is the last one, no seriously, the others were flukes, this is the actual last time' beer.

Anger was easier to deal with than other feelings as well. You could vent it in impressively destructive ways, and it fueled a lot of his work for his Lord. It was why he was finished his weekly task of gathering food faster than the rest of the pathetic bastards in that house. He was good at hunting because of it. He was strong because of it.

And besides, why would you want to mope around or, god forbid, shake in your boots over anything? Anger was productive and got shit done. It made you strong and intimidating, not weak or pitiful.

Jeff was not pitiful.

His boots made deep imprints in the snow as he stewed, hands shoved deep in his pockets. The malamute trotting beside him flicked its tail.

You're doing it again.

Jeff rolled his eyes and unclenched his jaw, a dull ache following soon after.

Just felt like you'd appreciate it since you're already in a sour mood.

"Don't patronize me." he snapped, glaring down at the dog. Smile's eyes darted up to meet his before it sneezed.

Not patronizing. Just looking out for you. I know it's gonna be bad and don't want you to feel worse.

Jeff turned his head and glowered at the ground - if his gaze could generate heat, the snow would be melting into puddles right now.

That familiar friend anger had gotten him into trouble again, and it wasn't something he could just shrug off, or occasionally agonize about when he tried to fall asleep.

He pictured that candidate in his mind again. A fucking fluke - just one coincidental meeting when all he wanted to do was hunt and have some fun with his bondmate. A human with 'potential' next to fresh meat that they would fight tooth and nail for to keep out of the two Shade's grasp.

The stains on his white hoodie proved it.

Annoying. Annoying. So fucking annoying.

He hated the idea that he could be caught off guard. Being a Shade came with supernatural abilities, or so Slenderman spouted. Faster, stronger, with reflexes to rival the quickest animals; more capable than a human could ever dream to be.

And he was doused in cold coffee while reaching out an olive branch like a goddamned sucker.

Fuck that candidate. He hoped they failed miserably and were fed to the Lord like every other sorry human that failed the trials. He felt momentary glee imagining their lifeless body being crushed into unrecognizable meat, bones snapped like pencil lead and fetid blood sloughing into mush.

But it was a fleeting joy, because it made him remember how he fucked up.

The sight and smell of a frightened human had excited him, made adrenaline pulse through his veins. The coffee on his face and irritating his eyes made him furious. His paper-thin judgment had lapsed just enough to see the candidate as another victim to take out - the knife in his hand had sung for their blood.

The second he went to stab them it had all gone dark. He had frozen, and the mark on his wrist had stung. A voice bellowed in his head, rattling his thoughts like thunder,

Delirium (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now