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"-So as you can see the bedrooms quite spacious. Can fit a queen in here and a desk with no problem. The closet has a separate light you can turn on and the fan is controlled with these chains hanging below it. I'm sure you know how to operate one of those things."

You nodded, eyes trailing across the room. It was still lived in - the comforter on the bed was a muted pink, with some plushies piled on the pillows at the head of the bed. The desk was clean, with only a few pieces of paper strewn across it. The walls were a soft green, the floor a dark brown. Sunlight pressed against the folding blinds, sending slashes of light along the wall.

Both the bathroom and living room-kitchen combo had been shown to you already, with the landlord talking through the specs of the apartment and the amenities that came with it. The paint on the bathroom ceiling was peeling and there were a few stains on the kitchen counter along with the floor, but the place didn't reek of mold or musty wood so that was a plus. The person living there was pretty neat, though you suspected they had been told to clean up for showings - there were some suspiciously placed posters on the walls that warranted closer inspection.

But it was good. Good enough, considering you had skipped your morning class to attend this walkaround. You had emailed your professor whingeing about a head cold and promptly didn't show up, taking the bus to the apartment complex you were currently standing in. That wasn't the smartest move probably because you were already hopelessly behind on notes, but it was whatever.

The complex was in a decent part of town, but the kind where four streets down was not a place you wanted to be at night. Carrying your keys in your fist with a deathgrip on your valuables kind of place. There was some decent places to look for work nearby though, and it was pretty far away from Cathy's residence that you wouldn't have trouble avoiding her. That was one of the qualities that appealed to you.

It was small (the living room-kitchen combo was more like one fifteen foot square with an island used to separate the space) but it was affordable. Could you go even cheaper? Yes, but not without compromising your sense of safety. You were already feeling on edge being in this room with this stranger for an hour, there was no way you could get a studio apartment in the 'bad' side of town.

You wanted somewhere to start fresh without compromising safety.

"The current resident will be leaving the day before the first of the month. If you're satisfied with the property, we can sign the rental agreement and you can put down your deposit and be moved in on the third of the month."

The landlord smiled at you and you mimicked it.

"Cool. That's pretty quick, isn't it?"

"Not totally. We do the evaluation and send in a cleaning company before giving the all clear. It's already streamlined."

"How is the noise level?" you asked.

"Mmm, not too loud. There is some construction happening on the road scheduled soon - I was made aware and alerted the tenants. The walls are pretty thick and noise problems has not been a complaint in the past."

Just as he finished saying that, loud thumping began happening below the two of you. Like someone was moving furniture, or attempting to play Just Dance with lead shoes on. He gave you a sheepish grin.

"The floors are not as soundproof as the walls, unfortunately."

You just laughed in response, eyes shifting away to look out the window. Decent view of the street and the other apartment building right across the way. You wondered if the blinds were going to be left behind, or if you had to buy new curtains to install. It would be nice to have built-in privacy.

Delirium (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now