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A/n: thank you all so much for your support and comments. I love Wattpad culture where people live comment their reactions to what they're reading, it's the best thing ever. There's lots of times where I want to reply but unfortunately since many have curse words and this is a hellsite I can only stare intently at them and froth at the mouth. So if you're a commenter/have commented on my works please know I love you and gently kiss your forehead. Keep being wonderful!

Content warning: Heavy violence, mild blood, choking


It was new year's eve, and you were alone.

If things hadn't changed since last year you'd probably be at a banging house party nursing a paltry beer as Cathy rubbed up on anyone who caught her fancy, counting down the minutes to midnight and slipping away to the bathroom as the ball in New York began to drop. You hated the idea of smashing your mouth against a stranger's, even in the interest of 'tradition'. The bathroom took away the option entirely. You'd probably stare at the grimy porcelain sink, listen to the muffled cheering from behind the locked door; wondering about the person Cathy had chosen.

If things were normal you probably would have accepted Jenny's invitation to a new year's party hosted by another one of her friends (you didn't, but you did accept the offer to split a moon cake on the Lunar New Year). Snacking and watching movies, sharing resolutions for the new year, casting votes on which song to use as a beat drop for the count down - something relatively cozy with a friend group you could easily fit into. Laughing and dancing in a silly way as midnight hit; you wouldn't need to use the bathroom then. You'd know you were safe.

But things had changed a lot from last year and things just weren't normal. So, you were alone in your room, flute of bubbling champagne slowly going flat on your bedside table as the tv murmured on in the living room. Your mother was there now, probably typing away at her computer fielding queries on her business email.

Dad had left days ago on a flight just after boxing day, giving you a big bear hug before hopping into a taxi that would fare him to the airport. His warmth almost immediately dissipated from the house, returning to the dullness it held before. Though maybe that made his visits all the more special, you wished he was here more often. You wished he was here at all.

After a long moment your eyes trailed from the flute of champagne to the corner of your room where a handful of dreaded gifts sat, still in their thin plastic packaging. A practical thing from both your mom and dad as a team, they had gifted you all the textbooks you needed for classes in the upcoming winter semester. One less expense for the new year! Yay...

You faked your way through joy and excitement in front of your parents and dumped the books immediately upon escaping to your room. The "NO RETURNS IF OPENED" stickers taunted you, intimidating you from even daring to take a peek. As you stared at their factory fresh spines you worried at your lip, wondering if you could throw a dirty shirt over the lot and just pretend they weren't there. University was the last thing on your mind and you wanted to keep it that way. Especially now as you tried your best to hold yourself together. You wished you could start fresh. Just redo the year that had past. You would have done anything to not be in the position you were in right now.

Hugging your knees to your chest, you willed yourself not to cry as the murmur in the living room turned into a muffled roar as the ball touched down.

Happy new year.

Quickly you grabbed the champagne and chugged it, even as the bubbles burned your throat. You could blame the drink on why your eyes were wet.






Delirium (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now