Chapter 8

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Yeji opens her eyes but doesn't move. She takes a few seconds to let her consciousness catch up then suddenly remembers what happened before she fell asleep.

She sits up and searches for her phone, shoving the blankets and pillows aside, not even caring that she's making a mess out of her best friend's bed.

When she finds the device at the top corner of the bed, she quickly unlocks the screen to type a message in the open chat window.

"Good morning. I'm sorry I fell asleep."

After she had gotten ready for bed last night, she texted Ryujin to confirm next day's lunch then tried her best to go to sleep. But she couldn't do it no matter how hard she tried. Her mind kept replaying the hug, their conversations and Ryujin's cute dorky laugh. Since Jisu was already snoring next to her, she felt bored and decided to send Ryujin a message, asking whether the woman was still up.

Ryujin replied that she was and asked why Yeji was still up.

They ended up chatting until Yeji couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and fell asleep.

"Good morning," came Ryujin's reply. "It's okay. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. You?"

"Like a baby."

Yeji grins. "What's your plan for today?"

"Roll around in my bed until lunchtime. You?"

"Get breakfast, be a lazy bum and go out to lunch."

"Sounds like a plan. Go on and eat your breakfast then."

"Have you eaten?"

"Yeah. Yuna made omelet rice."

"Sounds delicious."

"It is. Next time you come over, I'll ask her to cook it for us."

"Don't trouble her."

"It's no trouble. All you have to do is come on days when it's her turn to cook."

Ryujin adds a winking chat sticker that's giving thumbs up.

Yeji chuckles and is about to reply when she hears Jisu walking inside the room.

"Finally," comments Jisu. "I thought you would sleep all the way till Monday."

"It's not even ten yet. Don't exaggerate."

"Are you texting with Ryujin again?" Jisu asks as she goes to the wardrobe to change her clothes.

Yeji sends Ryujin a quick "Hey, I'm sorry I gotta go. Talk to you later." message before answering her friend. "None of your business."

"That's a yes then." Jisu takes out a t-shirt. "By the way, you spooned me last night."

"I what?!"

"You spooned me. That's a first in eleven years. What were you dreaming about?"

"I wasn't dreaming about anything and I didn't spoon you!"

"You did. You even mumbled something in my ear. It sounded like 'jinnie'."

"I certainly did not dream about Ryujin!"

"I didn't say Ryujin. I said 'jinnie'." Jisu turns around and smirks. "So you've decided on a pet name for her?"

Yeji shakes her head and gets off the bed, not in the mood for the teasing.

She takes a shower and makes herself a sandwich for breakfast before plopping down on the couch, turning the TV on.

Jisu walks out fully dressed, ready to leave the apartment.

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