Chapter 42

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Yeji turns her head when she senses someone approaching from behind and feels a hand being softly slipped into her own.

"What do you think?" asks Ryujin as she comes to stand next to Yeji.

The two of them are standing in the gallery where Ryujin's latest exhibition is being held.

"Lovely. Just like the theme," replies Yeji with a smile.

"Don't lie. I want to hear the truth."

"I am telling the truth," Yeji insists.

"Your smile says otherwise."

"My smile?"


"You're able to analyze my smile?"

"It's one of the things I wish to be an expert in," Ryujin says, grinning. "Seriously though, your smile looks different. You don't like it?"

"I do! It's just..." Yeji turns her attention back to the canvas she's observing. "Why do I feel more warmth from that Christmas exhibition of yours from a couple of years ago than from your current 'love-slash-spring-themed' exhibition?"

"You do?"

Yeji nods. "Why is that? Is something wrong? I've noticed the return of your old gloomy self in some of these paintings. What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing," Ryujin says. "And before you accuse me of lying, I am telling the truth. I'm not hiding anything from you. You know every concern I have."

Yeji moves to turn her body until she faces Ryujin. "Every concern... you were concerned about something? What were you concerned about when you painted these?"

"We talked about it a few times but you were not exactly happy every time we discussed it and I-..."

Yeji suddenly knows what it's about. She sighs and shakes her head, halting Ryujin's words. "You're right. I'm not happy about that. No one in my shoes would be." She lets go of Ryujin's hand and lowers her voice. "So you still doubt me? You still think that I would leave you? That it's better for me to leave you? I can't believe you."

"But I-..."

Before Ryujin can say another word, Yeji has walked away, heading towards the exit.

With a sigh, Ryujin quietly follows the upset woman out of the gallery.


Yuna smiles when the door opens and greets Yeji cheerfully. "Hi, Unnie."

"Hey, come on in." Yeji steps aside to let her guest through. She has called Yuna over for dinner so they could talk. She needs her advice on how to handle Ryujin's stubbornness regarding that one matter of her having a family. "Where's Ryeong?"

"She's on her way. She just finished today's shoot," replies Yuna as she takes off her jacket and shoes.

"Oh okay. Let's wait for her before we order the food then."

Yuna nods and takes a seat on the couch, next to Yeji.

They start with small talk about their work and friends until Chaeryeong arrives.

Yeji then orders food and as they wait for it, she decides to just get to the point.

"I think you two know why I called you over," she says. "I'm pretty sure that Ryujin has talked to you about the source of our recent arguments."

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