Chapter 45

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Ryujin takes another sip from the cup of tea she's been nursing for the past half an hour, watching the busy Yeji who's vacuuming her small studio apartment.

The woman gasped when she saw the messy apartment, scolded Ryujin then went on a cleaning spree after telling the owner to sit at the small kitchen counter and stay there.

Yeji turns off the vacuum cleaner, puts the last empty liquor bottle in the trash and frowns. "You drank all this?" she asks, pointing at the bin that's filled with empty bottles.

Ryujin says nothing.

Yeji sighs, returns the vacuum cleaner to the closet and washes her hands. "When was the last time you clean up this place?"

"I can't remember," answers Ryujin. She's not lying. The place hasn't been cleaned since she first moved in nearly four months ago. She just didn't have the will to do it nor did she have the energy for it. Her time was spent working on school stuff or thinking about Yeji.

"Never knew you were such a slob," Yeji tries to joke.

"There are still many things you don't know about me," replies Ryujin solemnly. She gets up from her seat and moves to the couch. "You said you wanted to talk."

Yeji pours herself a glass of water, takes a sip and carries it to where Ryujin is. She sits down next to her and places the glass on the table. "First of all..." She shoves Ryujin as hard as possible.

"Whoa!" Ryujin quickly grabs what she can to stop herself from falling off the couch.

"I wish I could slap you."

"Go ahead. I deserve it," Ryujin says, straightening up.

Yeji huffs then calms down. "It won't solve anything no matter how much I want to do it," she says. "I read the email you sent Dad."

Ryujin's eyes widen in surprise but she doesn't react further.

"I understand your reason. I know you mean well," Yeji says, scooting closer to then hold Ryujin's hand. "I just wish you would listen to me."

Ryujin squeezes Yeji's hand. "I have listened. I know what you want and I appreciate it but I still think that it's better if I go."

"Wrong. If you had listened, you wouldn't have pulled this stunt," argues Yeji. "Look, I know that my thirty plus years on this planet is nothing compared to your hundreds of years of experience or wisdom. I get that. I also don't want to hurt you, Ryujin. Leaving you is never an option. Will I get tired of you one day? I don't know. Maybe."

Ryujin lifts her head, looking at Yeji. She once again notices the tired lines on the latter's face, the dark circles under her eyes, and feels terrible for putting her through this.

"But even if I do, I would never pack everything and leave you. I'd rather we try to find a solution together," continues Yeji. "Mortals get married because they want to spend the rest of their lives with the person they love, right? Do they know how long their lives would be? No. But they still take that plunge anyway. What's the difference with this? Us?"

"In case you forgot, our lives are endless."

"So? Like I said, should things change, we will talk about it and find a solution together. You are not in this alone, Jinnie. I'm here too. We'll fight together."

"I can't-... I don't want you to have regrets. I do not want to rob you of anything. I want you to experience life for as much as you can before you choose to settle down with me. It will be unfair otherwise."

"What is so great about having a long life filled with adventures and excitement when you don't have the person you love most with you?"

Ryujin's taken aback by that question. She has never thought of it that way. "But I thought-..."

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