Chapter 46

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(this is more like a filler chapter)

Winter is finally coming to an end and it's been two months since the last time Yeji saw Ryujin in flesh. She'd still see her in her dreams every once in a while. Ryujin was either at the beach, the park or in her room, painting. She takes solace in those images because they let her know that Ryujin's healthy and doing okay. It's tough not to be able to hold her or talk to her but seeing her is better than nothing.

I guess it's the same for you too, she tells the painting hanging above her bed. I miss you, Jinnie. I miss hearing your voice, seeing your smile... I miss everything about you. Can you see me now? Looking at you? At us? We look so good together. I wish we didn't have to say goodbye.

She sighs, wipes her wet eyes and decides to get out of bed.

It's Ryujin's birthday today and Yeji decides to write her even though the woman had said that it would be better if they have no contact whatsoever.

She takes her laptop and starts typing.


Ryujin opens her eyes and the images of Yeji on her bed, looking at their paintings, disappear.

She sighs. I miss you too, Yeddeong

It's almost 3 AM so she's turned 402 for three hours now.

She's lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling she's been painting for the past few weeks.

It started as a crazy idea where she thought she'd emulate the great Michelangelo and experience for herself the hardships of painting on a ceiling. She went to the hardware store to buy two tall and large ladders then asked the owner of the store whether he could help her setup a wooden scaffolding in her tiny apartment, over her bed, that's strong enough to support her while she paints.

The man had looked at her as if she was insane but since she said she'd pay him handsomely, he went ahead and did it anyway. It took him and his son a whole weekend to build the contraption that's now towering over Ryujin's bed like a strange bridge.

Whenever Ryujin's free, she'd climb up there, lie down and resumes painting. Little by little, it starts to come together and yesterday, Ryujin has managed to finish what she considers the most important part: the eyes.

It's a replica of the painting she made for Yeji, the one that pictures the woman sitting at a café, smiling.

Ryujin doesn't know when she'd be able to finish it but she's determined to do it as fast as possible. She wants to be able to see Yeji's face every morning when she wakes up, just like she used to.

Her phone suddenly signals an incoming email. She huffs, thinking that it's one of her classmates or professors although she's not sure why any of them would email her at 3 AM on a Saturday.

Lazily, she reaches out for the device, unlocks the screen and sits up in shock when she sees the sender's name.

"Hi Jinnie,

Happy birthday!

I'm not supposed to write you, I know, but I miss you and since it's your birthday, I thought we could make an exception.

I hope you have plans for today. Have fun, please. It's your birthday after all.

Have you been doing well? Don't drink too much, okay? I know it can't kill you but it's still not good for you. If you don't know what to do, clean up your apartment! Haha... Just kidding.

I've been thinking a lot lately, about us, I mean. I keep asking myself what I could've done to stop you or what I did to drive you away. I realize that we might have a terrible misunderstanding on our hands.

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