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Chaeryeong takes a deep breath and turns her head when she feels a warm touch on her hand.

"Relax, Unnie," Yuna says. "It's just the unnies and Samchon. Why are you so nervous?"

"Because it's the unnies and Samchon. They know me. They know my past."

"What does your past have to do with this?"

"They might consider me unstable and unqualified for such a huge responsibility because of it."

"They won't. You've changed so much and you've proven yourself to me and to them countless times."

Chaeryeong lifts Yuna's hand and stares at the diamond ring adorning her finger, smiling at the memory of the clumsy and far-from-romantic night. "I still can't believe you said yes."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I thought you were waiting for the right one," teases Chaeryeong.

Yuna rolls her eyes even though she's turning red in the face. "Come on. Let's not keep them waiting."

Chaeryeong wipes her clammy hands on her dress, takes one final look in the rearview mirror and another huge deep breath before stepping out of the car.

The smiling faces that welcome her the moment she steps into the private room at her newest restaurant only make her more nervous than she already is.

Fortunately, dinner comes and goes without a glitch. The mood is bright, conversations and laughter flow endlessly and everyone compliments Chaeryeong on the food and service. She takes it as a good sign that they would be more receptive to the news she's about to break.

"Uhm..." The tall woman clears her throat once they've finished their dessert. "I... We have an announcement to make."

The others wait patiently although they have their suspicions about what Chaeryeong's going to say.

"I asked... we... err..." She feels Yuna's hand on her arm and summons her courage. "We're getting married."

Ryujin breaks into a huge grin. "So that's why you've been so tense all night. Finally. That took you more than half a century."

"She's hard to convince," Chaeryeong says, pointing at her fiancée who hits her on the arm. "What?"

"You didn't ask," retorts Yuna.

"I finally did, didn't I?" Chaeryeong then looks at Ryujin again. "Do we still have your blessing, Unnie?"

"Always," Ryujin says. "I'm very grateful to you, Ryeong. You've taken great care of my little sister and like I said, I trust her. If she thinks you're worthy of her heart and her everything, then who am I to say no?"

"Will this mean cute baby cousins for us by... say... next year?" Angeline asks as she finishes her brother's dessert.

"Next year?!" Yuna's eyes widen with shock. "That's way too fast."

"Well take your time. We have forever," remarks Aaron with a cheeky grin.

A year has passed since the twins found out about their true nature. The girl's acceptance level has improved – although she takes after her mother, preferring to forget that fact as she goes on with her life – while the boy is thoroughly enjoying it. He's already thinking of the future and what his next life would be like. He can't wait to see the world so he's working hard, trying to secure his finances.

"Don't worry. You will repay us for all the babysitting we did when you were little," Chaeryeong tells the twins.

"So you've thought about having kids?" asks Yeji.

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