Chapter 26

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The days before Yeji’s birthday are filled with busy individuals doing their own things.

After picking Yeji up from work on Monday, Ryujin has to go back home because her unsold artwork from the exhibition has arrived and she needs to sort them out so she can donate them as soon as possible.

On Tuesday, both are busy so they don’t get to see each other at all.

Yeji spends both Monday and Tuesday nights with her father and Jisu. In a way, it’s fun since it reminds her of the old days when her father used to take her and Jisu out on weekends of after school. It also helps suppress thoughts and memories related to her mother as it was around this time, fifteen years ago, that she struggled with the fact that she would lose the person she loved for the first time in her life.

Jisu and Mr. Hwang are well aware of Yeji’s moodiness whenever her birthday’s near so they do everything they can to cheer her up and distract her.

He even invites Ryujin and Yuna over for dinner on Wednesday night but only Ryujin can make it. Yuna has an appointment with Chaeryeong. She’s taking her to the science museum and planetarium then to dinner.

There’s a different atmosphere that night in Yeji and Jisu's apartment. Gone are the awkwardness and fear. They talk and joke around like a family, sharing stories, laughing… and Ryujin secretly loves it. The whole thing is done for Yeji, she knows, but she enjoys every second of it.

Yeji dotes on her, even in front of her father who rolls his eyes and clears his throat countless times.

She has to apologize to the man each time but never tells Yeji to stop, smiling at her when she places her hand on her thigh under the table, or when she refills her drink for her, or when she wipes her mouth before giving her a kiss.

That last one catches her completely off guard. She’s in the middle of a lively discussion with Mr. Hwang regarding the post-war eras when Yeji suddenly interrupts by telling her that she has something on the corner of her lips. The woman then takes a napkin, turns her head towards her, wipes her mouth then pecks her lips.

Ryujin instantly turns red, feeling terribly embarrassed and awkward thanks to Jisu’s gagging noises and Mr. Hwang’s loudest “Ahem!” of the night.

“Why did you do that?” she asks, lowering her voice.

“Because you’re cute.”

“I get a feeling that you just made up that whole thing about Ryujin having something on her face,” remarks Jisu from across the table.

“Can you not do this mid conversation next time?” chimes in Mr. Hwang. “You’re making me forget what I was about to say.”

“Everyone’s a critic,” says Yeji, shaking her head. “You’re all just jealous.”

“I’ll gladly admit that but please don’t rub it in,” Jisu tells her friend.

Ryujin says a quick sorry to the man and resumes talking.

Later that night, when Yeji walks her down to her car, she pulls her towards the park so they can have a few minutes alone together.

“Are you free Saturday?” Ryujin asks.

“You’re not gonna ask me whether I’m free Friday? On my birthday?”

“I know that you’re working on Friday.”

“But only for a few hours!”

“I want a whole day with you.”

“Why not make it one and a half day? Half day Friday, whole day Saturday?”

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