Chapter 24

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Yuna opens the car door and smiles at the driver. “Good afternoon, Unnie.”

Chaeryeong says nothing. She waits until Yuna has taken a seat and begins to drive. “I can’t believe that you don’t drive,” are the first words she says after minutes of silence.

“It’s scary for me somehow. Even after all these years.”

“But you know how to drive, right?”

“Yes. Ryujin unnie taught me.”

“Does she drive?”

“She loves driving. And cars too.”

“I see.”

Yuna starts to hum a random tune a moment later, feeling excited to get a break from the city even if it’s just for a little bit. She has decided during her meditation and contemplation time last night to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible around Chaeryeong. She wants to set the woman at ease, to let her know that she’s approachable. Hopefully, she can persuade her to open up to her that way.

“How was your date?” she asks when she happens to see a couple walking hand in hand.


Yuna turns her head when Yoona didn’t answer. “I’m not being nosy,” she says. “I’m just trying to have a friendly conversation with you.”

“I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, exactly, but let’s not make this harder than it is, shall we?” says Chaeryeong. “I’m only doing this because you insisted on it.”

“So you don’t think I’m friend material?”

“I don’t need you to be my friend. I need you to help fulfill my request.”

“Not until you consider me a friend.”

Chaeryeong sighs. “Why are you doing this?” she mumbles through gritted teeth.

Yuna looks out the window again, observing the Sunday traffic before she asks, “Can I turn on the radio?”

“Sure. Whatever.”

Yuna turns on the radio and starts browsing through to find a station she sometimes listens to.

Once the song has ended, the DJ starts talking about what’s known in Korea as the ‘Monday disease’ since tomorrow’s Monday. It’s basically what almost everyone in the world goes through: being lethargic on that first day of the week. Monday is a day that most people hate and this ‘disease’ will be much worse for those who have partied hard during the weekend before, says the DJ.

“Good thing I’m taking tomorrow off,” Yuna says. “No Monday disease for me this week.”

“Every day is the same for me,” states Chaeryeong emotionlessly.

Yuna silently sighs but refuses to let Chaeryeong’s attitude and lack of response affect her.

When they arrive at the base of the hiking trail, Chaeryeong doesn’t immediately turn off the engine. She looks at the woman beside her and says, “One last chance to turn around and go home.”

Yuna shakes her head. “We’ve come this far, Unnie. Let’s do this. It’s going to be fun!” She gets out of the car and waits for Chaeryeong to open the trunk so she can take her backpack out.

Soon they’re hiking along the trail, barely saying a word to each other because they are too preoccupied with trying to regulate their breathing.

“I’m so out of shape,” says Yuna when they stop to rest. She takes a big gulp from her water and wipes her sweat.

Chaeryeong is also panting but she remains silent. Much to her surprise, she’s actually beginning to like this outdoor activity. The fresh air and scenery are doing wonders for her mood and so does the exercise.

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