Chapter 31

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Ryujin smiles and opens her eyes when she feels the pads of Yeji’s fingers softly brushing against the skin of her belly, tracing random patterns. “I’ve missed you,” she says.

“Me too.”

Ryujin turns to lie on her side, coming face to face with Yeji. “So how was your week?”

“So so. You?”

“Nothing unusual.”

“You painted a lot,” Yeji says, brushing Ryujin’s hair aside.

“I did but most are crap so I ended up with only one painting I’m satisfied with, this week. Three down, at least twelve more to go.”

“I wish you’d let me see them.”

“I will. In due time.” She reaches out, pulls Yeji close and kisses her. “One more round?”

Yeji giggles. “What about Yuna?”

“She knew you were coming so I’m sure she’s either staying downstairs or she’s gone out.”

“I want to go out too.” Yeji moves to lie on her back, letting Ryujin roll on top of her, peppering her body with kisses. She starts playing with Ryujin’s hair, twirling the long strands around her finger.

“We can do that later,” mumbles Ryujin against Yeji’s skin. She lifts her head to look at Yeji. “Please?” she pleads.

“Under one condition.”

“Which is?”

“You’re coming home with me tonight and staying over until Monday.”

“But I have work to do. Must not cut off the creative juices when it’s flowing,” says Ryujin. “How ‘bout if I stay over until tomorrow?”


“Awesome.” Ryujin slides her hands under Yeji and latches onto her, their lips meeting in another passionate kiss.

When they go downstairs a couple of hours later, freshly showered, they find Yuna sitting on the armchair with a book in her hands.

The tall woman puts her book down at the sound of approaching footsteps and smirks at the two. “Do you know that lions can mate up to forty times a day?” she asks.

“What’s your point?” retorts Ryujin as she goes to the kitchen to get herself and Yeji something to drink.

“Just wondering whether you’re trying to rival them.”

Yeji turns pink at the cheeks and nudges Ryujin with her elbow. “Your fault,” she mumbles, earning a cheeky grin in return.

“Although they only do it for five to twenty seconds each time, they mate every fifteen minutes for three days to a week, day and night without sleeping,” continues Yuna.

“Wow. That’s exhausting,” remarks Yeji who has decided to just be cool about the teasing. After all, she can’t deny that they’re pretty active in that area.

“You should know, Unnie.” Yuna then laughs, returning to her book.

“At least you’re comfortable enough around me to tease me like that,” says Yeji as she takes her glass to the living room and playfully pinches Yuna’s arm when she walks past her. “You don’t have plans today?” she asks, sitting on the couch.

“No. It’s been a long week so I just want to laze around the house all day,” replies Yuna. “Aren’t you two going anywhere?”

“We’re gonna get something to eat later.” Ryujin appears with a mug in one hand and an apple in the other. “I’ll be staying at Yeji’s tonight.”

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