Chapter 14

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Vanessa's POV (party):

"I didn't want to bring this up at dinner, but where is your wedding ring?" Kayden asked me hesitantly.

My brother was the last person I wanted to tell about my pending divorce.

He would absolutely go overboard if he found out.

"It's not on my ring finger." I answered, trying to be funny. We were sitting on the swings in our parent's backyard.

The playset we were sitting had been at had been our playground since we were little. It was still standing after all these years.

"Well obviously Vivi." He said, calling me by the nickname he's used since we were little.

"It's not on my ring finger because I'm getting divorced." I said rocking casually on the swing.

"What!" He barked incredulously, alerting our parents who were relaxing on the deck a few feet away from us.

"Don't be so loud." I whispered, not wanting our parents to hear.

They had been so understanding about my situation already and I didn't want to burden any more than I already was.

He took the hint and quieted down so I could speak.

"Matthew cheated on me." I looked over at him, struggling to say anything else.

His eyes widened in shock, processing what I just told him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He sounded hurt.

"I dont know. I guess I'm still trying to process it all myself." I found myself staring into his eyes as I said it.

It went silent for a moment, our conversation ceasing. My fingers tightened around the metal chains of the swings, waiting for his reaction.

"Do you want me to hurt him? Vivi just say the words and it'll happen." I let out a small smile at his words.

"No, nothing of the sort." It was reassuring to know that there was people in my corner, ready to anything for me. Plus, I didn't wish any harm on Matthew; he would deal with the aftermath of what he'd done eventually.

"You know it's his loss right? He made his choice and you are in no way shape or form responsible for it." His voice clear and soft.

His hand reached out and held mine, the gesture meant to comfort me.

"You'll be alright Vivi. As long as I'm here, you'll be alright."

I smiled at the memory. My brother could always cheer me up, even now.

I almost died of laughter when I saw his makeup covered face.

"I'm never playing dress up with Alexandria again."
A small smile adorned his face despite his grumpy tone.

"Now you know how I feel." Pablo said while grinning over at him.

"How do I even get this off?" He asked exasperated trying to peel off the bedazzled jewels on his face.

"You look beautiful." I said as seriously as I could without laughing.

"You wish you could look like me." He said confidently, obviously not liking me making fun of him.

His comment making me erupt with the laughter I had been holding back.

"I'm going to try to wash this off." He ventured off to the bathroom.

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