Chapter 6

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Vanessa's POV:

I couldn't sleep. It seemed like the only thing I could do was cry.

Tam was asleep next to me, she must've been exhausted from hearing me sob all night.

She rubbed her gentle fingers over my back soothingly until she fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.

I felt bad that she has to deal with me like this.

The silence gave me time to think. Something I didn't need.

I couldn't stop asking myself, Why was this happening?

What could have lead Matthew to having affair? Did he love her? His mistress?

My breath hitched in pain at the thought of him loving someone else other than me.

I still loved him despite what he did.

And it made me sick to my stomach.

But I'll never take him back despite that.

The sound of snoring brought me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Tam who was spread out on her side of the bed.

After dinner, I told Tam that I was going to sleep. The truth was is that I wanted to sleep but I couldn't.

My mind was traveling a ten miles a minute.

I thought about what Tam said earlier. How Matthew's decision to cheat was his own. I fully agree with her, him deciding to cheat was because of his messed up mentality though it didn't make it hurt any less.

How long had he be cheating? How long had I'd been sleeping beside him unaware of his indiscretions?

I believe it started when I was away for the weekend. It would make sense since that's when we started to distance from each other.

It was mentally exhausting thinking about it. My mind was my worst enemy, not giving me a chance to rest or even forget about my dilemma for a moment.

Looking at the curtains, I was surprised to see the slightest rays of sunlight peeking through the dark curtains. It's morning.

Fatigue began to set in my body as I realized how long I've been up.

Resting my head on Tam's arm, I finally succumbed to the darkness I so desperately wanted.

Matthew's POV:

Once I finished, I instantly stopped and put on my clothes.

"I didn't finis-"

"Not my problem." I interrupted. "You should get dressed, Vanessa will be here soon."

"I don't understand why I can't stay a little longer." She protested. "We could have dinner at my place soon." She offered, not taking the hint.

"Maybe." I said ushering her to the door. I made it perfectly clear to her that our interactions were just strictly sex.

When she was halfway out the door, she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into an unexpected hug.

Annoyed, I moved her off me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her irritated as she tried to kiss me on the lips. "We aren't together."

"I just though-"

"You thought what? Just sex nothing else." She knew our agreement.

Once she left, I headed up to our bathroom to shower.

I couldn't risk getting caught. I could lose everything.

Looking at the time, I quickly got out the shower to start on dinner. Vanessa was bound to get here any minute.

I didn't know how long I could keep this up.

I know that by cheating, I was hurting her even if she didn't know it.

I had to end things soon but I didn't want my no strings attached relationship with Jenna to end.

I didn't expect her to come over at all.

What are you doing here?" I asked, suspiciously

Jenna had never been inside, not even when she told me she had to go to the bathroom after we stopped here to get condoms.

"Is it bad that I just came to see you."

"It is when you do stuff like this. Coming to my house is off limits. You know that. You also know how to get into contact with me if you wanted to see me." I said angrily but Jenna wasn't paying attention.

She was more interested in the portraits lining my living room wall.

I noticed when she stopped at a certain picture of Vanessa, her fingers light tracing over it.

"Jenna, you need to leave." Vanessa would be arriving home soon.

"Just a quick round and I'll be on my way. Just 10 minutes." She came up to me and whispered seductively in my ear.

She slowly kneeled in front of me reaching for the zipper of my slacks.

This was going to be interesting.

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