Chapter 20

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Jenna POV:

This was pointless. All of this.

I looked at the stack of papers I had to file with disgust. I shouldn't be doing this, especially at eight months pregnant. I don't need to lift a finger. I should be sitting at Matthew and I's house, relaxing comfortably and waiting for him to come home from work.

Being a secretary was too much for me. I can't wait to quit. I want to be a spoiled stay-at-home mom on Matthew's dime. I can see it, us being a family. I want him. I want to shop for designer clothes and fantastic shoes while he's at work.

Matthew would hire a nanny to help me with the baby. I'd get a new car as a push gift. Matthew would propose and we would have a lavish wedding.

I am everything he needs. I am blonde. I am thin, not at the moment but I'll be back to my normal weight soon enough. I am beautiful. I can cater to all of Matthew's sexual needs. I did it while we were having an affair.

I am the total package and he still doesn't take me seriously. I deserve a happy, healthy, and stable relationship with him. This baby should be the push that gets him to realize it. Once I've moved in, I'll get rid of the shrine of pictures he has of Vanessa spread everywhere in our house.

I won because I'm having his baby. She left him and her former position as his wife belongs to me.

I just don't care for her. She abandoned him and left so he could finally be with me. He just refused to let her go even though it was abundantly clear she wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

It was understandable, if my husband cheated on me, I'll take all his money and leave him and put his mistress in the hospital. If he got her pregnant, I'd make their lives hell because that's unforgivable. It's that simple.

I don't expect Vanessa to forgive him either. I don't want her to.

Her not being around benefits me. Although we got together under not-so-good circumstances, we have the potential to be so happy together.

When Matthew came into that bar, I could tell he was well off so why not have fun? I wanted him to spoil me. I wanted the role of the pampered mistress that he kept hidden away from his wife. He would go out of his way to see me. Take me roughly like I wanted him to. I never expected to catch feelings.

We just couldn't be seen together. Our meetups are strictly secret and hidden. Now we were free to show off our love. I love him and want him all to myself and this baby is a part of making that happen. The public shame and embarrassment didn't mean anything to me with all the money he had.

No one can get mad at me, I don't owe her loyalty. Her husband does.

But he's mad at me or himself. I can't tell. When he found out that he was the biological father of our child, he was disturbingly silent before running a stressed hand through his hair, looking disturbed.

He walked away silently to his car where I heard him scream in agony. He stayed there for a while, screaming occasionally. I can tell he doesn't want this. He's only doing this out of responsibility. He barely looks in my direction, similar to how he reacted when I purposely broke the picture frame of his ex-wife.

The only time he's reached out is to go maternity clothes shopping and items that the baby needs. He kept our conversations strictly about the baby. We were meeting at the mall today to get everything. I hated the thought of wearing maternity clothing.

I wanted to wear my normal clothes. I wore a waist trainer over my belly so I could wear my normal clothes but it got too painful to wear and Matthew stopped me from wearing it. The waist trainer would restrict my belly so that my stomach looked smaller and I appeared to be less weeks than I actually was. I looked four months pregnant at eight months.

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