Chapter 11

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Vanessa's POV:

Stepping into my old house reminded me of too much.

I wanted to cry and scream all at the same time.

Seeing him was not ideal especially when he decided to stick his tongue down my throat when he first saw me.

My jaw had clenched as our eyes met.

It was painful to look into his eyes, the eyes of the husband that hurt me.

It hurt a little to see him in anguish but he made his choice. He had no right to be upset, he's hurting because of the consequences of his actions.

I meant every word I said to him. I wasn't coming back and I don't care how he felt about it.

When I got home, I didn't hesitate to sob into Tam's open arms.

She seemed to understand what happened by the luggage and duffle bags lying on the floor.

"Oh sweetheart." She softly whispered in my ear.

It just hurt and I wasn't sure how to make it stop.

Tam rubbed my back as I cried my heart out.

"How dare he?" I sobbed. "He had the nerve to say that he loved me?"

"He has a lot of nerve." She said baffled. "After what he did Vanessa, I'm so glad you're leaving him."

"I am too." I choked out before crying until I couldn't cry any longer.

I was done. This is it. This is the last time I'll cry for him.

I've been through too much to cry over spoiled milk.

Lifting my head off of Tam's shoulder, I wiped my tears before looking at Tam.

"Feel better?" She asked concerned. I nodded and made my way towards my bags. Tam and I collected them and put them away in her room.

While we sorted my clothes, I told her about serving Matthew, that he kissed me and how he was begging me to stay.

"Vanessa I won't go over there for your sake but if I see him it's on." She threatened.

Knowing she was serious, I said "Tam there's no need. He'll be out of my life soon enough."

"Fine. But when the divorce is over, if I see him it's on sight." Her voice holding a firm promise.

"That's fine." I agreed knowing I couldn't convince her otherwise.

When all my stuff was put away, we made our way to my parent's house for dinner.

Helena was there to greet us with a big hug as soon as I knocked on the door.

"Vanessa. Tamera. Come in, we've been waiting for you." She eagerly said.

"Mom, dinner doesn't start for another 15 minutes."

"It does when your dad and brother get here. They've been stealing rolls thinking I wouldn't notice." She said annoyed, making Tam and I laugh at their antics.

"My brother's here?" I asked shocked. I looked over at Tam to see a surprised expression on his face.

"I thought he told you he was coming."

We followed Helena through the hall where she took us to the dining room. I was excited to see my brother Kaden.

My brother was the first to see me and Tam. He walked over to us with a big smile on his face. "Nessa. Tam." My brother enveloped the two of us into a big bear hug.

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